[10] got my memories back, yay?

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When I arrived back at Elwin's house I ran straight up to my room. He was at Foxfire Healing Center, so I didn't need to worry about running into him to question me.

I was going to pack up stuff and leave, but I didn't really have anything to pack up. I also wasn't sure where I was going to go either. Just not here.

I left Elwin's house and went towards the beach. I had no idea where else to go and beaches are usually relaxing places.

Tears slowly dried up on my face. I felt so bad for rejecting Keefe like that, but it's for the better. Otherwise, he'd been dating a killer. I could no longer deny the fact that I was a murderer.

"There you are, Y/n." A voice said.

I turned around thinking it was Keefe. It was not. It was the woman in a black cloak from my nightmare.

"Who are you?!" I yelled, my eyes started to water up again.

"It's so unfortunate you lost your memory, but I can fix that for you." She said, as she slowly approached me.

"You mean you can restore the rest of my missing memories?" I asked.

She nodded.

I slowly stepped back as she got closer. Then I stopped. This was my fate. This is who I was. I couldn't run away from it any longer.

The lady walked closer to me and rested her hands on my temples.

Everything came back.

All my memories.

I remembered.

The woman in front of me was Lady Gisela. Keefe's mom. She was using me to achieve her goals. She killed my parents when I was young and raised me, telling me if I don't listen to what she said she would kill me. When I finally manifested into a Shade, she had another Shade that went by Umber to train me. Once I was experienced enough I went out to end the human race. Day by day, Lady Gisela would have me sneak into the Forbidden Cities to murder humans with my ability.

Lady Gisela smiled, "it's good to have you back, Y/n. Unfortunately, you won't be sticking around much longer, though."

My eyes widened.

"I know what you've been up to. You've been hanging out with my son. You want to betray me after everything I've done for you." She snickered. "And don't try to resist. It'll only hurt more if you do."

I didn't resist. I'd rather die than live on knowing I killed so many innocent lives. But it made me feel slightly better knowing that I was doing it against my will. It still made me feel sick to think about, but it's far better than enjoying killing people. End their lives for the joy of killing.

Lady Gisela told me to drop all the crystals I had, so I obeyed. The crystals dropped onto the ground. She grabbed my wrist rather tightly and we light leaped somewhere. 


I woke up finding myself in a very dark room. It was dark to tell where I was, but it looked like some type of cave. I still felt weak, and my body felt slightly numb. Did Lady Gisela sedate me?

"You're finally awake." Lady Gisela said as she approached me.

It was too dark to make out her features, so she remained as a silhouette in front of me.

"Are you going to kill me now?" I asked, just wanting to get it over with.

She let out a wicked laugh, "what's the fun in that?"

I shrugged.

"It would be far more entertaining to watch you slowly suffer before you die."

"I guess." I shrugged again.

A moment of silence swept by until another figure appeared.

"Should I begin?" A familiar female voice said.

I recognized the voice in my memories. It was Umber, the Neverseens super-skilled Shade.

Lady Gisela nodded.

Umber sent a stream of shadowflux that slowly made its way through my body. Each second the shadowflux tightened and squeezed my bones until they felt as if they were going to snap.

I let out a cry of pain and Lady Gisela laughed.

I repeatedly told myself that I deserve this. I killed so many innocent humans. I tried my hardest to not fight back. I just let the pain flow deeper and deeper into my body.

The pain grew tremendously, to the point where I started hallucinating. I was sitting in a field of flowers. Someone was next to me, but their face was too blurry to make out their identity. They reached up to pull a strand of hair behind my ear. They were kind. So kind.

I'm a murderer! Run when you have the chance....

The figure didn't flinch, and a moment later they scooted closer to me. Why? Aren't they afraid of me? I'm a monster.

"Y/N!" A voice shouted.

I decided to ignore it.

But I couldn't stop the voice repeating in my head... Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!....

It was a familiar voice. A voice I loved.

I looked at the face of the blurred figure again and it went clear. It was Keefe.

"Y/N!!!" He called again.

That's when I realized that his voice was not from my hallucination. 

He was here to rescue me. 


Oh yeah x)

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