[9] sick (also I remembered something not so pleasant)

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Dead humans.

Hundreds of bodies were scattered across the streets somewhere in the Forbidden Cities.

I stared at them and laughed. Laughed.

How could I laugh at something so terrible? It made me feel nauseated. Things were impaled into each of the bodies but were too blurred for me to make out what they've been stabbed with. So blurred they look like a shadow.

"Good work Y/n." A female voice said behind me.

I turned around to see who it was, but she was covered in a black cloak that hid her identity.

Good work? So that means I did kill all those humans... that's right. I'm a murderer. Killing is fun.

That's right.

My purpose was to kill off the human race.

My eyes shot open to only find out I was dreaming. I was breathing heavily and sweating.

Judging by the ceiling I was looking at, I was at Elwin's house in my room. The last thing I could remember was at Walmart in the Forbidden Cities. I was in the gardening section with Keefe.

I sat up and found Keefe, Ro, Sophie, Sandor, Fitz, Grizel, and Elwin circling around my bed.

"How are you feeling?" Elwin asked before even giving me a chance to speak.

"Tired," I muttered.

Elwin flashed some colored orbs around me to make sure I really was okay, "Alright. I heard that you three snuck off to the Forbidden Cities last night." he eyed me, Keefe, and Ro.

Sophie and Fitz looked surprised. They never heard what happened, they just came because they heard I blacked out. Simply just worried for their friend.

"I'm sorry..." It was all I could say. I couldn't think of a good explanation why we'd wander off to the Forbidden Cities.

"I'm letting you off the hook this time, but if you sneak off to the Forbidden Cities again you will be punished," Elwin warned.

I slowly nodded.

"What happened?" Sophie finally asked.

I was at a loss for words again. I just remembered that I was some type of murderer. It was my duty to kill humans. I tried my hardest to believe it wasn't true. Why would I ever do something so cruel?

"She passed out from the heat." Keefe lied, "it was hot in the Forbidden Cities."

It was cold there. He knew I remembered something but wouldn't share, but here he is still covering for me.

I needed to run. Leave this place. I'm no longer safe here. If they find out who I really am, all my friends will hate me. I'll be exiled.

Sophie seemed to buy Keefe's lie. She and Fitz were unable to read my mind, thankfully. It's probably better than the gruesome scene that stays inside my head.

The cloaked lady in my dream seemed important too. Like she was the leader of something. She was the one who gave me orders. I want to find her. Kill her. Destroy my past.

"Well, we should probably let Y/n rest some more now," Elwin suggested.

Nobody argued.

"See you later, Pepper." Keefe winked as he left my bedroom.

𝕃𝕠𝕤𝕥 ~ 𝕂𝕖𝕖𝕗𝕖 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Where stories live. Discover now