When we finally break apart minutes later, I can't stop the words and questions from spilling from my mouth. "When did you wake up? How did you wake up? Are you okay? Do you remember everything?"

Rylie laughs softly before gently shushing me again. She slips her warm fingers between mine. "Only a few hours ago. My mom called you only minutes after I woke up, but said the connection was bad. She was worried she'd made it sound like something had happened which, judging by how fast y'all got here, is what you thought. As for how I woke up, they don't know. Jay worked so hard to figure it out, but apparently it was just time that my body needed. I feel pretty okay, I think. Weak, definitely weak, and tired despite the last two weeks of sleeping." She laughs. Her next words are soft. "I remember everything. Right up until I went down."

I cling tightly to her hand, pretty sure I was never going to let go again. "Watching that... watching you fall was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced. When you went down, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. Thank God Derek, Jeremy and Austin were there. I was completely useless."

"No, Aspen. Please don't say that. I felt you there with me every step of the way. I heard everything you said to me during all the hours you sat by my bed. You were always there, and getting back to you was the only thing I wanted. I could feel how badly you were hurting, and I was fighting so hard to wake up and be with you again. It's like... it's like my body was asleep, but my mind was fully awake but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't open my eyes or mouth to tell you. I think I may have moved my hand at one point, but I never knew for sure if you felt it. That was the worst part of it all. I'd take the pain any day over not being able to talk to you or touch or hold you."

Tears slip from her eyes as she finishes, and I use my free hand to gently wipe them from her cheek. Her eyes are locked on mine, and I can't seem to look away from her beautiful, perfect face. I leave my palm against her cheek and she leans into it, briefly closing her eyes.

"I'm having a hard time believing you're actually awake." I say with a small laugh. Especially after the dream I had a few nights ago. I keep expecting to wake up at any moment."

"You and your dreams." Rylie smiles gently. "What was it about?"

"You... you didn't make it. It felt so real, especially when I saw you... and it was the worst pain I've ever felt."

"Oh, Aspen." She pulls me back to her, and I sink into her arms. "I am so sorry. I'm awake, and alive, and I plan on staying that way. I hate that you had to deal with this and feel so much pain."

"Rylie," I laugh lightly as I sit up. "You have no reason to apologize. I should be the one making sure you're okay."

Rylie grins. "I love you so much. I am so unbelievably grateful for you and your strength. You're the main reason as to why I'm awake now, and I'm going to spend a lot of time thanking you for that later. That's something else I missed." She smiles and I feel the blush in my cheeks.

I briefly consider bringing up the pier, the last words we said to each other, but the door suddenly pushes open.

"Are y'all decent?" Spencer teases before entering the room. Sam and the others follow behind, and I grin as I see Harper snuggled in Spencer's arms.

"Shut up, Spence." Rylie laughs. "Can I hold her?" Kristen and Spencer share a concerned look. "Mom, I promise I'm fine. Plus, Aspen will stay right here with me to make sure I don't drop her or anything."

Like I'll ever leave your side again. I think with a smile.

"She definitely missed you." Spencer says before crossing over to the bed and leaning down to carefully place Harper in Rylie's arms.

"I missed her, too." Rylie says softly while gazing down at the baby. "How is it possible that she got even more perfect?" She says, marveling at Harper.

I study Rylie' while she's focused on the baby, committing everything to memory. The light that fills her eyes, the way her lips are turned up in a smile, the way her fingers trail lightly along the pink onesie.

God, I missed her so much.

"Rylie, the doctors said they want to keep you here for another day or two, just to be sure you're actually okay." Kristen says from the foot of the bed. "And then we want you to consider staying with us for a while.

My heart completely drops. She can't be serious.

Brad's head shoots up and his gaze locks on Kristen.

"Are you serious, mom?" Rylie says, her voice full of disbelief. "I'm fine, really. I can stay here another day or two if they really want, but I just want to go home with Aspen." I feel relief rush through me at her words. "She's my home now, and being with her is where I'll be able to recover the most."

"Honey..." Kristen starts, but Brad cuts her off.

"Kristen, she's an adult. She's gotten used to taking care of herself, and she's built her own life. I think we can trust Aspen to make sure she's okay." Brad winks at me and I give him a thankful smile. He says all of this in a kind way, so as not to make Kristen feel bad for the year she neglected her children, making them grow up much faster than they should've.

"We can stay with my brother for a while longer to be close by if you'd like." Dillon suggests, and Kristen nods after a moment.

"I'm sorry. I'm just worried."

"It's okay, mom." Rylie smiles before her attention turns to Sam. "Hey, Sam."

"Hey, Ry. I'm so glad you're okay." He comes to sit in the chair beside Rylie. "I was more than a little bit scared." He confesses.

Spencer, Brad, Kristen and Dillon all leave the room, and even though it's the last thing I want to do, I leave Rylie's side and stand. Her eyes jump to mine, suddenly filled with anxiety. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom real fast." I really wanted to give Sam some time with Rylie, and he gives me a thankful smile. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I promise." I tell Rylie before kissing her softly.

I was pretty sure it would be impossible for me to leave her side for the next little while, but I was more than okay with that.

A/N: Hi guys:) Good news, you don't have to be mad at me anymore! We're out of the woods, and done with the sad stuff:) I'm sorry that this kind of dragged on, and that I took a while to get all the sad chapters out. I might slow down on posting a bit but i'll keep doing the best I can! Have an amazing day:)

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