Chapter 4 | Sanzu

Start from the beginning

The airbag Sanzu erupted in front of his face and in front of (y/n). After the impact subsided, Sanzu finally let out a small breath. He was alive! It was then that he heard the cute noise of a small child's laugh.

(y/n) snuggled her face into the airbag and giggled continuously.

"Car crashh~~~" she cooed and glanced up at Sanzu who finally recognized who she was.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Sanzu gritted his teeth and sneered at (y/n).

(y/n) shivered. Tears welled up in her eyes. "Sanzuuuu," she exclaimed, "don't be mad..."

"Of course, I'm fucking mad!! I crashed my car because of you, you dumb lil' bitch!" he spat.

(y/n) pouted, her mood changing. She refused to let the tears fall. "(y/n) is not a bitch and it's not (y/n)'s fault!" She crossed her arms and pouted even more.

Sanzu glared at her. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he opened the door to examine the damage to the vehicle. He gazed absently at the massive dent of twisted metal that remained of his once elegant sports car. Irritated he made a quick phone call and sent his location to his subordinate.

Sanzu stormed back towards (y/n) in the backseat, opening the door. "What the fuck are you doing here." He repeated himself.

"(y/n) just followed you," she shrugged.

"And why did you do that?" Sanzu put his hands on his hips.

"Why not?" (y/n) cocked her head sideways, "Mikey was asleep and (y/n) was bored and hungry."

Sanzu clutched his face.


"Shut up, you're driving me crazy."

(y/n) glared at him. "(y/n) just wanted to be with Sanzu!"

"You don't just FOLLOW me."

"Why not? Dada and Rin take me to work!"

"I'm not your Dad and that idiot."

"Rin is not an idiot."

"Yes he is. You take after him."

"(y/n) is not an ididot!"

Sanzu crouched down and unbuckled her seatbelt. "Yes YES, you are."

She squirmed in his arms, clearly offended. Sanzu held (y/n) in the crook of his arm. She dangled there loosely. "Ah!" she yelped.

It was dark with only the blinking lights of the surrounding buildings to illuminate the freeway.

Sanzu and (y/n) were in a safe area. Cars zoomed past them.

"What do we do Sanzu?"

"I have a meeting that I'm late to because of you."

"But Sanzu I'm hungry."

"Well too bad."

"It's not too bad! (y/n) is starving."

"When was the last time you ate."

"I ate Mikey's taiyaki."

"That's enough."


"Don't be stupid you little brat. I'm not buying you dinner."

"Dada was right. You're EVIL!"

Sanzu's anger exploded.

"Oh yeah? Lemme leave you on this freeway then."

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