XXXVII. You're not a great liar

334 36 11

TW // delusions, traumas, mental ill, manipulation

After how many days of hiding on his room, finally Yuan get out. He looks so pale and skinny, dark circles under his eyes, bruises on his arms, we doesn't know what he did but all we can now say is he looks like he's not on his right mind...

"Where are you going!?" his stepmother asks as he block Yuan's way but Yuan didn't mind her and starts walking not even greeting her or laying a glance

Wearing a uniform, wearing his new bag. He's going to school.

He's now infront of their university, everyone was looking at him. Before he steps his feet inside the university, he bid a goodbye to his mom...

Actually he has the guts to come out because he really thought his mom is with him, he can't now really tell what is real. We can say he even forgot what tragedy happened before, he forgot all the pain memories. All he knew now was his name and a fresh start.

He can see all the students are looking at him while smiling but actually they're all looking at him weirdly.


"E-excuse me do i know you?"

His sunbae feels like he can't hear all of a sudden, Yuan bowed his head as an apologize and starts walking towards his classroom.

"YA FUCK YOU YUAN! I failed my research where the fuck did you go!?"

"I need money!"

"Fuckyou! they made me run errands because you're not fucking here!"

All his classmates surrounded him but he just awkwardly smile at them, his classmates sarcastically laugh and they're all fuming mad on how Yuan acts now. He almost got punched by one of his classmates but luckily  Hades stop it

"That's not how you welcome your classmate. Move. fucking noisy." Hades said that made everyone shut up and immediately go back to their seat, all eyes on their own table.

"Thankyou H-Hades?" Yuan said not sure while reading Hades name tag

'why is he acting like we don't know each other!?'

"Um- hades, can you tell me where's my seat... i- i forgot it." Yuan shyly said, Hades is so fucking confused now... but he chose to shut his mouth and just point where Yuan's seat is

Hades think Yuan is just pranking him or what, but actually he's confused. He shouldn't be confused, he shouldn't care about him but why is he doing this? is he scared someone forgetting him or is he scared that Yuan's mental health is getting worse?

But to be honest, he shouldn't care about it especially if they're not close, not even friends. They both hate each others gut, what is this?

Their class starts and Yuan is just smiling while listening to the discussion, Hades found it weird.. so weird..

'something's wrong.' he thinks as he watch Yuan

Yuan glance at him and waved that made him flustered and look away

'FUCK!? did he really forgot me!?'

Their class went fine, it's their breaktime his classmates was about to approach Yuan but Hades immediately stopped it by pulling Yuan far away from them.

"We failed the presentation." Hades said while still not letting go of Yuan's hand

"C-can you let go of my hand... it hurts" Yuan thinks as he removed the grip of his hand and when he realized he immediately removed it

"I- i can't remember having presentation... it's actually my first time meeting you." Yuan said while bowing and Hades just sarcastically laugh

"I'm not fucking kidding."

"I-im sorry? Anyways i'm Yuan Kade Corte-" Yuan didnt get to finish his sentence when Hades starts laughing like an insane

"Don't fucking joke. I hate it when someone forgets me." Hades seriously said and starts walking leaving Yuan behind but Yuan starts talking

"Can you at least tell me your full name?"

and there. Hades anger burst out, he immediately pull Yuan and they start walking. The grip was so tight that you can see Yuan's hurting

'You shouldn't fucking forget me! No one should forget me!' Hades think as he pulled Yuan up to the rooftop

"Remember me." Hades command letting go of Yuan's hand

they're now at the rooftop.

He hates it when someone forgets him. He blames everyone who forgets him to the way he have turned out. From his father who forgets him, from his close friends who forgets him, from his relatives who forgets him. He hates being forgotten.

"I- i can't remember you." Yuan said nervously as he saw Hades walking towards the edge

"I hate it when people forgets me. So remember me or i'll jump here." Hades said as he stand up at the edge while looking below

"YA! get down!" Yuan shouts while walking towards Hades but Hades just step back...

he's so close from falling.

Yuan is so scared, he hates it. He wants to curse Hades to death for this.

"WHAT WOULD CHANGE IF I REMEMBER YOU?" Yuan asked and starts sobbing and there Hades went down

"You're not a great liar as you think you are." Yuan sobs again, he fucking hates him.

But Yuan still denies it, tears falling while he keeps on shaking his head

"I don't know you. please!"

"Follow me." Hades said and starts walking

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