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"I don't wanna touch you too much baby. 'Cause making love to you might drive me crazy."
-Love Bites, Def Leppard.

The crisp, coastal wind buffered the skin of Amara's face, whipping the loose curls Marko had insisted on leaving out of the elegantly twisted locks that folded back on itself-the ends of her hair peeking out from within the confines of an obsidian-black claw clip-stating that they needed to be left out to frame her face with an exasperated huff of air, swatting her hand away from her hair as his eyes narrowed with feigned disdain.

When she'd furrowed her own brows with confusion and voiced her creeping suspicion that this hairstyle wasn't by some coincidence. Marko had merely grinned like the Cheshire cat, his gaze soft as he told her to trust him. A simple phrase that rattled around her head whilst she climbed the rickety steps clinging to the cliff face. She wondered what exactly she had to trust him with, absentmindedly dragging the coin-like charm of her necklace back and forth along the delicate chain.

It couldn't have been the way he'd skilfully fastened her thick and luscious curls into place, taming the wild terraces with an unearthly grace that confirmed her suspicions about him being the artist of the group. She continued to ponder the sandy-blonde's words, brushing her hand down the silky pearl-white front of her shirt, and noting the way it comfortably complimented her body without appearing tacky.

The thundering of the waves below briefly registered in her mind, sea-salt filling her lungs with every inhale as she stepped up the final stair. The dark and light blue stripes of her wide-legged pants ghosted across the rock littered terrain with each step, sleek-black combat boots laced neatly to her feet as her gaze landed upon Paul, who lounged astride his beloved motorbike, his forearms lazily draped across the handlebars.

His cyanic irises blazing like a fire burned within, intensifying in her presence and searing her skin like the untamed heat of a wildfire. She smiled at the sheer delight that rippled off the rock star blonde, reminding her of lightning as it struck the earth and lit the sky with bolts of electricity-beautifully unforgiving-and yet, as she stepped over jutting rocks that peeked out from the ground, his gaze never strayed from her beneath the full, waxing moon, as if he was afraid she'd vanish before his eyes.

Disappearing as if she'd never truly been there to begin with.

Moonlight trickled down from the inky blackness of the sky, dotted with the glittering of stars whilst the light cast soft, angelic-like shadows across Paul's face. Accentuating the broad and yet chiselled planes of his face in a way that sent her mind reeling, scrambling as it tried to make sense of his devilishly angelic smile. His dimples carved like two perfect debits on either cheek, moonlight glinting off the silver dagger-like earring in his left ear.

"I see now that Marko wasn't lying." He murmured, almost to himself as he seemed to drink her in with his gaze.

She shook her head with amusement, tearing her gaze from his eyes as she surveyed the beaming blonde with curiosity-leeched irises. Familiarity flickered in her chest, her teeth sinking into the flesh of her bottom lip as she fought the urge to smile. The need evoking with the reappearance of the black mesh-like shirt that peeked out from beneath his blazer-like jacket, embellished with safety pins that glinted off his left pectoral and lapel.

The coin-like sash over his right shoulder connected seamlessly with two bronze-tinged flowers, cinched into place by the two safety pins at either end. A bronze chain hung in an easy arc, attached to the lapel above his right pectoral and the button above his belly button. His dark-washed, straight-legged jeans were ripped along the knees in a way that elicited a curious frown across her face, gaze lifting from his boot-clad feet with dark bemused irises.

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