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"We're kings of the killing, we're out for blood."
-Monsters, Ruelle

Fear shot through Amara as David's yellowed eyes held her gaze, the predatory incline to his head embedding that fear further into her bloodstream. Amara hesitated, sparing the carnage around the bonfire a glance before she turned her head back towards David. She knew in that moment, when her eyes met David's, what the glint to those golden-yellow irises meant.

It was as that realisation registered within Amara's head that she turned and ran. A chilling yellow stare burnt into the flesh of her retreating back; a grin etched across David's face as the pounding of her fear-riddled heart filled his ears. Amara tried to calm her erratic heart, scolding herself when a stick snapped rather harshly beneath her boots, and despite the foolishness of running from the creatures beside the bonfire, she ran through the moonlit forest as fast as her feet would carry her.

Moonlight cast dark shadows across the forest floor, the stars above watching on as the bay-haired girl fled from the beach party massacre. The gentle beams of moonlight provided little light for the girl who ran from the monsters of the night; who ran for her life. Leaves crunched beneath Amara's boots, in tune with the erratic beating of her heart. And despite the foolish urge to look back over her shoulder, she forced herself to not look back, knowing that once she did, she'd be ridding herself of the tiny shred of hope that blossomed in her chest.

As Amara heeded the faint warning that had crept into David's voice, running like the startled little dove that David had mockingly called her. She ducked beneath branches, hissing with pain as low-hanging branches smacked against the bare skin of Amara's arms, scratching the sun-kissed flesh of her arms with no remorse for the terror that gripped the girl's heart in a vice-like hold. And, through the never-ending well of terror, Amara grasped a hold of the hope that grew within her chest-clutching onto it for dear life as she jumped over a fallen branch.

David's yellow irises seemed to glow in the flickering light from the bonfire as he set his attention on the three men that continued to glance in the forest's direction. He arched his eyebrows at the trio, the sharpened features that appeared both rutted and smooth emphasised by that gesture alone. A dark and equally enthralling chuckle spilled from the platinum blonde's mouth as he turned away from his companions and went after the brown-eyed girl-the addictive thrill of the hunt latching onto the intimidating blonde.


Amara stumbled as David's voice rang out across the forest like an enthralling whisper, taunting and yet filled with something else entirely. She paused, sucking in deep breaths of oxygen as she turned in a slow circle beneath the leave obscured sky. Fawn-brown eyes searched for the owner of the voice in the shadows. Equal parts hoping to find the owner and praying that it was merely her mind playing tricks on her.


Amara's heart leapt in her chest, echoing in her ears like a drum as she ran-fear flooding her bloodstream as David's voice ghosted across the night, drawing out the syllables of her name in a lazy drawl. Exhaustion begged her to stop running, but the terror that gripped her heart like a vice pushed her legs to continue moving; bell-like warnings deafening within her mind. Amara realised with jarring clarity that David was merely playing with her-herding her like a sheepdog herds sheep to the slaughterhouse.

And something within Amara knew David revelled in the terror and inner turmoil that he evoked.


Panic seized Amara as she ran, her pace hurried and fear-driven. A sob begged to tear from the back of her throat, hysteria creeping in as Amara stumbled over countless roots that broke through the ground, trees passing by in a fear-induced haze. Defeat reared its head, whispering honeyed words of solace that urged her to stop running from the golden-eyed beasts that lurked in the shadows of the night. A sharp snap echoed in Amara's ears as she spun around in search of the source; the snap resonating within her ears as she turned and smacked into a hard chest.

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