41. I will always remember you...

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Two years later...

"Congratulations, Zhan. It's beautiful. You have done a great job", Haikuan complimented and Zhan smiled as he thanked the elder. "Seriously, Zhan. The location is perfect and I am sure this place will be the most successful one among the others. I can feel it." Zhan heard the genuine excitement and confidence in JiLi's voice and couldn't help but feel grateful. "It was Haikuan-ge. He helped me crack the deal. If not for him there was no way the owner would have sold me the place." "No. It was all you and your brilliant plan, A-Zhan", Haikuan corrected and Zhan smiled. "So, Mr. Xiao Zhan, three highly profitable branches of "All Sweet Things" in Beijing and it's clear that you are not done. What else are you planning?", Yubin asked and Zhan scoffed. "I am planning to go home after this party and sleep for two days straight", Zhan meant the words completely and the other's laughed at the face he made. Zhan was so done with meetings and was in dire need of good sleep. He could finally have that. "It looks like you are going to drop any moment, A-Zhan. Make sure you take enough rest when you go home", came Xuan Lu's gentle voice and Zhan assured her that he would with a bright smile. "He won't die if he works hard, Jie. And who says he will rest when he goes home. His dearest Yibo will keep him awake all night", Zhuocheng grunted and Zhan glared at his brother. "If only you opened this mouth a little in front of Zhang Ming, Zhuocheng. Two years and you are still struggling to ask her out. Pitiful." A few chuckles came from their friends and Zhuocheng scowled at Zhan.

The party was going on in full swing and two hours later, Zhan was exhausted. Completely. The last few busy weeks were finally taking a toll on him. Zhan had been successful in setting up his business in Beijing and had decided that now he was going to take some time off. Zhan had been working hard the last year and a half and now that his plans had finally come to fruition, all he wanted was to lie down and enjoy it. After so many years of hardwork, Zhan's dream was finally coming true. Zhan saw Jiyang coming his way and smiled at his friend. "Hey, Why isn't Yibo here yet?", Jiyang asked and a smile came onto Zhan's lips at his husband's name. "He is about to reach. He had some last minute issue at the club", Zhan supplied and Xuan snorted out a laugh. "Is he still pissed that you didn't take his money?", he asked and Zhan rolled his eyes remembering the week long argument he had had with Yibo. Zhan wanted to do this on his own and had told Yibo that he would take his help if needed but Yibo had been adamant to invest in Zhan's idea. "I am not saying this as your husband but as a businessman. It's good for me to get involved in successful ventures and that's why I am doing this. And what is this "Your money...your money crap?" It's our money, baobei. I will spend as much as I want on you. It's my right as your husband." That had been his husband's argument and even after his countless denials, Zhan kept finding blank cheques in his car, closet, coats and even the toothbrush stand. Zhan wasn't even surprised by Yibo's actions, his Yibo was the most stubborn man Zhan knew. At last when Zhan had vehemently said 'no', Yibo had resorted to sulking. The man refused to speak to Zhan and when he did, it was to force Zhan to take the money.

"Yibo didn't have bad intentions, Zhan. He just wanted to make sure your dream came true. You know Yibo just wants to see you happy", Haikuan, ever the supportive brother defended Yibo but he didn't say anything that Zhan didn't already know. Zhan knew everything Yibo did was for him. His husband didn't want Zhan to suffer even in the slightest. Sometimes, the passion and care Yibo had for him overwhelmed Zhan. He couldn't figure out how on earth had he become so lucky and Zhan made sure to thank his lucky stars for the moment he met Yibo. His life had changed that day and Zhan didn't have any regrets. During all this time, Yibo had been there for him. Always by his side, his strongest pillar of support. Yibo was there to guide him and he had even handed over his duties to Xuan for some time to help Zhan. Whenever Zhan slept on his desk working all night, Yibo carried him back to bed and pulled Zhan close to his chest making sure Zhan slept soundly. Whenever there was something that Zhan had a tough time dealing with, Yibo silently helped him. Yibo made sure Zhan got enough rest and was eating properly and sometimes when Zhan had to cancel one of their dates or felt guilty for not giving his husband enough time, Yibo shook his head and told him that everything was fine as long as Zhan was happy. Zhan couldn't describe in words how perfect Yibo was for him. Yibo was always there beside him and Zhan loved his husband for everything he had done.

"Congratulations, Zhan." The deep voice brought Zhan back to the present and he saw Bowen before him. Bowen had helped Zhan big time through the legal matters and Zhan had invited the man over to express his gratitude. "I hope you know how thankful I am for what you did. Thanks a lot, Bowen." The man blushed at the words and Zhan smiled as well but he jolted when an arm looped around his waist out of the blue. "Where is my thanks, baobei?", Yibo spoke from behind him and Zhan leaned into the embrace smiling. "Should I thank you for coming two hours late to my event?", Zhan said with an arched brow and turned around to see Yibo's eyes fixed onto Bowen. Yeah. Yibo didn't like Bowen much. According to Yibo, Bowen was interested in Zhan and Zhan just rolled his eyes whenever Yibo said something about staying away from the man. Zhan was a married man for heaven's sake. He might admit that Bowen had a crush on him at first but when Zhan had met him a year ago it was with a wedding ring on his hand and Yibo's arms around him. Yibo had made sure to let everyone know that Zhan was taken. Yibo gave a smile to Bowen which was all teeth and definitely not sincere to which Bowen responded with a curt nod as he left. "You do realise you are being an ass, right?", Zhan asked shaking his head and Yibo palmed Zhan's face, dropping a kiss to his lips. "I am making sure no one is sniffing around you. That banker will jump at any opportunity to date you. Too bad for him you are all mine and I am never going to share." Zhan smiled at the words and Yibo locked their fingers together as he led Zhan to meet the important guests. They laughed and mingled for a while and Zhan's eyes caught Yibo's a few times and his heart flipped seeing the love and pride in them. The party was a success and Zhan was hopeful that his new place will do well. "Let's get out of here", Yibo growled in his ear a few minutes later and Zhan let his husband take him away waving a hand to his family and friends. He stared at their hands and his heart melted when Yibo squeezed his hand before dropping a kiss to it. They made their way home and after a steamy session in the shower that had started innocently with Yibo massaging Zhan's aching shoulders, Zhan was sitting against the headboard, his hands softly caressing Yibo's head placed on his chest.

"Are you happy?", Zhan heard Yibo ask and Zhan nodded. "Very. Now that all of this is over we can finally go on that vacation we were planning. Did you resolve the issue at the club?" "Hm." Yibo curled into him and Zhan laughed when Yibo's mouth brushed against his naked body, tickling him. "Stop it." Zhan said cradling Yibo's head and Yibo gave him a smug smile. "I am not stopping now. I was patient was the last five weeks and I let you fly away, now it's time for you to come home." Zhan smiled at the words and the truth in them resonated with him. Yibo was right. Yibo was Zhan's home. "Did you miss me these days or did you forget all about me?", Zhan joked and Yibo propped himself up on his elbow, his face suddenly serious. "I did forget you once." Zhan's brows furrowed at his husband's words. Yibo hadn't mentioned the incident in a while and he wondered what brought it about today. "What's wrong?", Zhan asked palming Yibo's face and Yibo leaned into the touch. "I was going through some old records today and a ledger fell into my hands. An important delivery was made on your birthday. The only birthday I didn't celebrate because I forgot about you. Before the accident I used to go to that restaurant you liked and I ordered a cake. I was miserable but I still wanted to celebrate you growing up. All of it just came back in that moment." Yibo let out a sigh and burrowed himself deeper into Zhan's arms. "We have talked about this, Yibo. It doesn't matter anymore, baby. It's all in the past."

"I sometimes question what if you hadn't come back to me. I would have been unhappy for my entire life or possibly dead in the future by Shu Wei's hands. You saved me, baobei. I have to thank you for that." Yibo lifted Zhan's hands and dropped soft kisses on his fingers. Zhan leaned over Yibo and brushed his lips against Yibo. "You will always remember me, Wang Yibo. You made that vow when you married me. Whatever happened...Take it as a lesson." "What lesson?", Yibo asked and Zhan kissed Yibo's forehead. "That no matter what happens you will always come back to me. I will always love you and nothing will take you away from me. We are meant to be together, Wang Yibo." Zhan grasped Yibo's hands and kissed both of their hands together. "This is for life. I am always here and I will always love you. Tell me you will remember these words forever." "I will remember these words forever. I will always remember you, Xiao Zhan." Yibo gathered Zhan into his arms and kissed his husband, pouring all of his feelings into the touch. Zhan sighed softly into the kiss and when their mouths parted minutes later, there was a smile on their faces. They had their forever. They would always remember each other. This love was for life and beyond.

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