21. I will end him..

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"Hey, Yingpei. Is everything okay?", Zhan asked when he came out of Yubin's place eyeing the man. It was almost four and Zhan had planned on going home and getting ready for dinner with Yibo. Yingpei greeted Zhan with his signature grim face but Zhan was already used to it. "Hello, Mr. Xiao. Second master has asked me to bring you his club." "But, he didn't tell me anything", said Zhan checking his phone only to find a message that said, "Come." 'He could have written more than a single word',thought Zhan and Yingpei responded with, "He must have been busy." "I said that out loud, didn't I?",asked Zhan with a sheepish smile and Yingpei opened the door to the car. "Yes, you did Mr. Xiao." Zhan got into the car without a fuss and called Yibo once but his boyfriend didn't respond. Come to think of it, Yibo hadn't called Zhan all day. There was only a text by Zhan asking Yibo if the dinner plan was still on and the response was, "Em." "I wonder what he was doing." Zhan said to himself and fiddled with his phone. Xuan Lu had also texted him asking him if he could help her plan Zhuocheng's birthday party. Zhan agreed immediately suddenly excited. He also dropped off a text to Li Bowen saying he couldn't work with Ling Yongjie. The man asked him about the reason and Zhan told him that he wasn't comfortable working with Yongjie. "I guess you aren't. He was staring at you weirdly. I understand.", came the text and Zhan let out a relieved sigh. Zhan looked out the window eyeing the streets filled with people and was in front of Yibo's club in no time.

"Ask someone to lead you to the fifth floor, Mr. Xiao", instructed Yingpei and Zhan entered the club. The place was pretty empty only a few people roaming about, probably preparing for the night and Zhan walked to one of the men. "Excuse me, Can you tell Mr. Wang that Xiao Zhan is here?", Zhan asked politely and the man eyed Zhan as if he had a incurable disease. Zhan had never seen a look so full of pity directed to him before. "Are you the new bartender?", said Xu Weiyu taking in the handsome man before him and sighed. "Brother, I suggest you come tomorrow. Our boss is in a terrible mood today and I don't want to see someone as pretty as you crying. Our Huang-ge was also scolded really bad today. Well...he did spill the drink all over the boss' shirt but still, he didn't deserve those harsh words. Boss is really in a bad mood. He has made so many of us cry today. Don't go inside." "If he treats you so bad, why are still working here?", asked Zhan and Xu Weiyu scratched the back of his head. "The pay is great and Mr. Wang is usually good to us. The girls can work freely without anyone misbehaving with them and we don't have to be afraid of the rich snobs. The security here is top notch. Everything is great it's just when someone pisses him off, Boss becomes someone else entirely. I curse the man who put my boss in a bad mood today. He should've thought of us." As soon as the words were out of the man's mouth Zhan sneezed and a feeling of dread settled upon him suddenly. "If you are done talking to my staff, Can I get a minute of your time, Xiao Zhan?", came the cold voice and Zhan turned to see Yibo with a very scary look on his face. "Pretty-ge, I wish you luck." Zhan heard the man behind him say and shivered when Yibo arched a brow at him. Zhan stood rooted on the spot delaying the inevitable and he heard Yibo snarl. Yes, snarl. An animalistic sound came off Yibo's lips and Zhan was dragged by Yibo. The people stopped working and stared at the two of them with wide eyes and Zhan was pretty sure he saw a woman pray for him.

The door shut behind them with a loud thud and Zhan was plastered to it, a moan escaping him as Yibo meshed their lips together. Hands tangled in Zhan's hair and Zhan relaxed into Yibo's embrace, letting Yibo take whatever he needed from him. "Why didn't you tell me?", Yibo questioned as they parted but Zhan had no idea what Yibo was talking about. His mind was still stuck on his tingling lips and Yibo's delicious body pressed up against him. Yibo took in a deep breath and loomed over Zhan, making Zhan feel small all of a sudden. "About Yongjie. Why didn't you tell me you were meeting him?" "I didn't know that the man was Yongjie. I was surprised too", explained Zhan and Yibo's expression soured further at his words. "I really didn't know, Yibo. I wouldn't have gone if I knew it was him. Don't worry. I told him I am not interested in his offer. Calm down." Zhan gave Yibo a soft look but Yibo looked away. "You shouldn't have met him. I know him, Zhan. I saw the way he was looking at you back then. He wants you. He wants what's mine. I'll fucking end him!", sneered Yibo and Zhan palmed Yibo's face making Yibo look back at him. "I am with you, Yibo. He can do whatever the hell he wants but this won't change. Don't be angry." Zhan placed a small kiss on Yibo's neck and smiled at the way Yibo leaned into him. "Calm down. From what I've heard, you're being an awful boss today. Your people are cursing me for putting you in a bad mood", Zhan teased and Yibo frowned. "Who said that?" The menacing question had goosebumps rising on Zhan's skin but lust overpowered everything else he felt. "Forget it. Move back, this door is too hard." Zhan pushed Yibo back but Yibo came too close and glued himself to Zhan. "The door isn't the only thing that's hard." Yibo's hard on was pressing against Zhan's thigh and lust clouded Zhan's brain at the contact. Yibo was gazing at him with hooded eyes and desire was shining in the dark orbs. "We are in your office", Zhan mumbled and Yibo nosed his cheek. "So what?" "Somebody will hear us", Zhan whispered and Yibo took his mouth again in a deep kiss. Hands cupped Zhan's ass and Yibo ground his lower body to Zhan's, inciting sweet gasps from Zhan's mouth. A knock sounded on the door and Zhan jumped at the sound, making Yibo chuckle. A gentle kiss was placed on Zhan's nose, so different from the kiss they had shared moments ago and Zhan had to take a minute to get himself under control. "We will continue this after dinner", said Yibo in his bedroom voice and Zhan melted on spot.

Pushing Yibo, Zhan moved towards the floor to ceiling windows and took in a deep breath as Yibo turned the lock to his door. "Ah! I wondered who the pretty-ge was. It's a pleasure to meet you, Xiao Zhan", said a smiling Haoxuan and Zhan smiled back. "Wang Haoxuan", said the man introducing himself but Zhan felt like he had seen the man somewhere. "Have we met before?", he questioned but Xuan shook his head immediately. "I guess I would remember if I ever met someone as striking as you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." "Do you want to die?", threatened Yibo and Xuan laughed. "It's so fun to see him all riled up." Zhan laughed along with Yibo's assistant and then Yibo beckoned him to sit on his lap. Zhan was about to say "no" but the look on Yibo's face was enough for him to change his mind. Zhan walked to Yibo and sat on his lap and Yibo wound his arms around Zhan's waist, like he had done so many times before. "I heard Yongjie came to you", Xuan prompted and Zhan rubbed Yibo's shoulders to ease his anger. "I wanted an investor for my business. Yongjie found out and volunteered. I didn't know he was the person I was meeting and I guess someone told Yibo about it. Wait. Who told you?", Zhan turned to Yibo and Yibo hesitated. "Yingpei", he said after a moment and Zhan frowned. "I thought he was sent by Kuan-ge. I didn't know he was spying on me for you." Yibo heard the anger in Zhan's voice clearly and rushed to explain himself. "He is there to protect you. Me and Kuan, we both think whoever attacked me might hurt you as well. I told Yingpei to keep an eye out for the Lings." Zhan was still tense in Yibo's arms and Yibo understood Zhan needed a better explanation for his actions.

"Ling Zi Yan and his older son, Ling Shan Yuan were the ones running this club before me. The land didn't belong to them and they took it by force from Haoxuan's family. The land was still registered in Xuan's name but he didn't have the resources or power to fight the Lings. He came to me and asked for help. I took the land and managed to gain control of the club. They were involved in illegal activities but at that time we couldn't find the evidence. The Lings are still after the property and things have changed here a lot. We tipped the cops regarding some dealers and made enemies on the way. Yingpei is there so that nothing happens." Zhan had been hearing to Yibo's story patiently but now he was even more tensed because of what Yibo had told him. "They attacked you?", Zhan questioned and Yibo rubbed Zhan's back in a comforting way. "I think Ling Zi Yan and Shan Yuan were responsible for my attack but two months ago, Shan Yuan died. I don't have proof. Yongjie is in the picture since his brother passed away and is trying to take the club back from me. They aren't simple people, Zhan. They are dangerous and I will do whatever I need to keep you safe." "What if they try to hurt you again, Yibo?", asked Zhan with worry in his eyes and Yibo felt his heart flutter at his Baobei's concern for him. "Don't worry, baobei. Nothing will happen. They managed to do it before because I wasn't careful enough. This time...I won't make that mistake. I have too much to lose."

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