31. You should have died!!

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"I came out from my room and called his name but there was no answer. It was only after two hours that I realised Yibo had left the hotel", complained Haikuan and the look of exhaustion on Haikuan's face had Zhan laughing as well as feeling guilty. It was only after Yibo was at his door did Zhan find that the Wang brothers were on their way to Beijing and Yibo had ditched Haikuan at the last minute. His lover was standing with an arm over Zhan's shoulder and he shrugged as his brother looked at him with his accusing eyes. "I was done with all of my work already. I wasn't needed anymore", he defended himself and the group of friends chuckled at his words. "According to Kuan-ge you were going to reach Beijing that very day, Wang Yibo. Just admit you are whipped and were missing Zhan-Zhan", teased Xuan Lu laughing and the others joined her. "I am whipped and yes, I abandoned my brother and my work because I wanted to spend some time with Zhan", Yibo conceded and groans left Haikuan's and Zhuocheng's mouth while the others glanced at Yibo and Zhan with a fond smile. Cheng and Kuan had never seen Yibo being so openly flirty and yes, it was awkward for both the brothers to see Yibo eye-fucking Zhan every single minute of the day. Zhan had always been reserved and Yibo respected his wishes but these days the sexual tension between the pair was palpable.

A kiss was pressed on Zhan's head and Zhan smiled melting into the touch. "I love you too much. I can't wait to get you alone", Yibo whispered in Zhan's ears drowning the sounds of music and chatter around them and Zhan shuddered. His ears turned red and taking advantage of everyone's attention on Zhuocheng, Yibo nipped at the earlobe enticing a gasp from his baobei. Yibo closed his eyes to control himself and while it helped a little, breathing the fresh scent of Zhan made it harder for Yibo to stop touching his lover. "I have to say this is the best party I have attended. You are the best, Lu jiejie!", slurred JiLi making the others look at him and his brother had to support his waist before the man fell flat on his face. "Why the hell did you drink so much?", Yi Zhou scolded but Ji li rolled his eyes clutching the bottle in his hands tighter. "God, when will you stop being such an ass, Yi Zhou. This is why you can't find a woman. If this goes on you will die alone", JiLi grumbled and the others winced knowing Jili will pay for that sentence tomorrow. If the dark look on Yi Zhou's face was anything to go by, Ji li would be grounded for months. Yep. Yi Zhou still did that to the poor lad and there was no one who could say a word against it because frankly, Yi Zhou was one scary fellow. "Oh JiLi, you got drunk too early. We were finally going to see Cheng's tattoo today", said Yubin with a broad grin on his face and Zhuocheng stiffened. "What the fuck? I am not doing anything like that", the birthday boy spat but it was too late. The idea was already out and now, everyone was interested.

"Really, A-Cheng. Is it true that it's a peach blossom?", asked Zhang Ming with an adorable frown on her face and Zhan saw Cheng die on the inside. A shameful, horrible death. If your lifelong crush asked you a question regarding a flower tattoo on your butt, you would meet the same fate. Honestly, Zhan was surprised with how well Cheng took it. He was half expecting Zhoucheng to cry but his brother only turned red in the face, pursing his lips in embarrassment. He opened his mouth to defend himself but Yubin poured gasoline over the fire as he spoke, "It's not a peach blossom, Ming Ming. I think it's a haitang blossom. It has five petals or wait, is it four?" The others snickered and shedding all of that 'gentleman' persona, Zhuocheng took Yubin in a headlock. "You asshole. I will put five fingerprints on your face, then you can count all you want", Zhuocheng threatened but Yubin just laughed even when Cheng was in the process of killing him. "What is it?", Yibo whispered in Zhan's ears and Zhan laughed. "A haitang. Five petals." "How did you know?", Yibo asked and Zhan gave him a mischievous smile.  "Zhuocheng was drunk one day, me and Yubin took advantage of that. I even have a picture." Saying the words Zhan unlocked his phone and a minute later, Yibo was staring at a very prominent and dare he say, an elegant haitang flower on what he assumed was Zhuocheng's right ass cheek. He hid his face in Zhan's shoulder laughing just like the others but then suddenly a loud crashing sound surprised everyone.

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