18. Just be mine..Alright?

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Xiao Zhan was watching a movie, a bowl of popcorn in his lap but if someone asked Zhan what the movie was about, Zhan probably wouldn't have been able to answer the question. His mind was occupied by Wang Yibo and Zhan was staring at the screen but Yibo's face kept flashing before him and Zhan couldn't focus. Thinking he was just wasting his time Zhan turned the TV off just as Yubin came in the living room. "I am leaving Zhan and remember, stop by to see Yuan. He keeps asking for you." Zhan nodded his head wordlessly and sighed out loud his mind still on Yibo. "How long will you keep sulking, Xiao Zhan? What happened, happened. If Yibo can't give you a future then it's his loss. Why are you sitting here with that long face?", asked Yubin and Zhan rolled his eyes at his best friend. 'I shouldn't have told him', thought Zhan and hissed when Yubin flicked his forehead. "Shouldn't have told me? Do you want to die, you fucker?", Yubin scolded and Zhan mentally palmed his face. He said it out loud again. 'He needed to get this habit under control'.  "You've been trying since last fifteen years, I don't think it's going to change now", Yubin said biting back a chuckle and Zhan threw a pillow at him. "Don't you have to work?", Zhan grumbled and Yubin pinned him with a hard gaze. "Zhan, I understand you want to give Yibo space but don't only think of him. It's important to communicate in a relationship. Call him", Yubin suggested and Zhan let out an exasperated sigh. "It isn't that simple, BinBin. The way he shut me down, I don't think he has any intention of telling me anything. I wasn't lying to you when I said it's fucked up. His words tell me that he cares for me but he is refusing to let me in. I might lose him again if this goes on. That fear is making me edgy", Zhan explained and yelled when his forehead was flicked again. "That hurt!!", he shouted and tackled Yubin to the ground. The two men wrestled with each other and Xiao Zhan almost had Yubin in his grasp when the door bell rang. "Coming!!!", shouted Yubin from beneath him and Zhan leaned against the sofa, heaving. He heard Yubin opening the door and had assumed it was Zhuocheng or Zi Yi on the door but his ears perked up when he heard Yibo's voice.

"Where's Xiao Zhan?", asked Yibo eyeing the man in front if him and his eyes looked over the man's shoulder in search of his Zhan. Yibo knew this man. He was the one who ran a restaurant and was really close to Zhan. Yibo tried to tone down the dark feelings in his heart but that jealousy got worse when he saw Xiao Zhan come up from behind the man. Zhan's hair were messed up and he was dressed very comfortably in a t-shirt and knee length shorts which Yibo didn't like at all. "Yibo! Is everything ok?", Zhan asked looking surprised and the man beside him rolled his eyes. "Turning up at someone's house so late. Do you think someone would do that if everything was okay, A-Zhan?", said the man and Yibo clenched his teeth when Zhan elbowed the man in the ribs. To Yibo it looked like Zhan was really close to the man and that didn't sit well with him. "Who the fuck is he?", Yibo asked bluntly and the man scowled at him. "This is my house. I should be asking you why you are trespassing on my property this late." "You are living with him?", Yibo asked Zhan dangerously and Zhan shook his head vehemently, denying the words. "No. I live here alone. Weren't you leaving, BinBin? Go, otherwise Jie will be angry." Zhan all but pushed Yubin out of the house and Yubin huffed before leaving the place. Only when Yubin was out of sight did Zhan look at Yibo and he found Yibo glaring at him. "Do you wanna come in?", Zhan asked softly and moved away letting Yibo enter the house but winced hearing Yibo's loud footsteps. "Why are you living in his house?", was the first question that was thrown his way and Zhan rolled his eyes asking Yibo if he wanted something to drink. "Don't avoid the question. Why are you living in his house? Who the hell is he? Why are you dressed like this when he is in the house? Are you FUCKING HIM????", Zhan's eyes widened when Yibo yelled and then he crossed his arms across his chest, scowling at Wang Yibo. "If you want to ask me something, you better watch that tone, Yibo. Keep screaming and I will throw you out of here." Saying the words, Zhan went to the kitchen and brought Yibo a glass of water before sitting down on his couch. He was well aware of Yibo's glare directed to him but he refused to say anything else. He heard a sharp intake of breath, saw Yibo gulp down the water and only then did he look at Yibo.

"Is everything ok?", he asked again and his stomach sank when Yibo shook his head in a 'no'. "What happened?", he asked immediately, a frown marring his forehead and he froze when Yibo kneeled on the ground before him, resting his head on his lap. "I don't like it", Zhan heard Yibo mumble and his hands automatically found their way in Yibo's hair as he tried to comfort him. "What are you talking about?", he tried again and Yibo raised his head from Zhan's lap, staring right at him. "I don't like that he was here alone with you." Zhan was silent for a few minutes before he started to laugh. "Why are you laughing?", Yibo asked and Zhan poked Yibo's forehead. "You are silly. Yubin is my best friend. You don't have to be jealous." "I don't get jealous", Yibo protested just for the sake of it and Zhan laughed again. Seeing Zhan's eyes light up as he laughed, Yibo felt his heart swell. "Yeah, definitely not jealous. So, did you come here to tell me this?", Zhan asked teasingly and Yibo got up to his knees, getting closer to Zhan. "I have ended things with Yifei", Yibo stated tonelessly and Zhan stopped laughing when the words registered. "You wanted to know what you were getting yourself into. I want you to be mine, Xiao Zhan. I ended the engagement so I am all yours." The words had Zhan tongue-tied and for a moment and he couldn't say anything. "Your uncle won't like this", he said softly and Yibo shrugged a shoulder nonchalantly. "Don't care." "Yibo....I want to be with you. I really do. But..", Zhan let out a sigh and Yibo's hand palmed his cheek, the touch gentle and warm. "That's all I care about, Xiao Zhan. I want to be with you and you want to be with me. That's all that matters. My family, Yifei...everyone else can go fuck themselves. Just be mine, alright?" Zhan's eyes closed at Yibo's words and Zhan blinked his tears away. "You've changed, Wang Yibo." Zhan said the words with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Wasn't this what he had wanted all this time? For Yibo to put them first. A tear escaped his eye but they were tears of happiness. Zhan was happy. Happy that Yibo was willing to fight for them. "I have hurt you before. I know I have and sometimes I wish I don't remember those days, ever. I don't want to remember hurting you because I will go insane and hate myself forever", Yibo spoke softly but guilt was evident in his tone and Zhan hated that Yibo balmed himself. "You haven't-", Zhan started to say but a finger came onto his lips to stop his next words from escaping.

"You don't have to lie. I am not as stupid as I look. There is a reason why my uncle loathes you, there is a reason why my brother and your family feels that I will hurt you and there is a reason why you have been so hell-bent on pushing me away. But, it won't happen, Xiao Zhan. I will not let you push me away. I will keep you with me and I will spend the rest of my life making up for the mistakes I've made in my past. The day I remember what I did, I will beg for your forgiveness on my knees but I will never let you go. I don't know if the Wang Yibo before loved you or not. What I know is that this Wang Yibo wants to fall in love with you. He wants to make you happy, he wants to be the reason for your happiness, he wants to be the only person to ever touch you and he wants to be the only man you give your everything to. I promise to take care of you, Zhan-Zhan. Just be mine, alright?"  Yibo gazed into Zhan's tear-filled eyes waiting for Zhan to say something and the response he got was better than anything he had ever imagined. With a hand cupping Yibo's cheeks, Zhan meshed their lips together and just like that, Yibo lost control. He pulled Zhan onto his lap and kissed the man like it was the last thing he would ever do. His hands pulled the man impossibly closer and when a low moan left Zhan, Yibo knew he was done for. "You are mine, Zhan. All mine." He rasped the words over Zhan's lips and his heart jumped when Zhan smiled in response whispering softly against his mouth. "All yours, Yibo."

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