Another pressure builds, and keeps building until ryan can't hold it in anymore, he can feels a threshold that he can cross when he know that once he release, he's done, What follows is like that pressure building and falling, but every time it builds, he let out more. Czar bite his shoulder more harder, nd ryan buried his face on her neck more as they feel there unleashing orgasam, nd within a second they both cum with an loud muffled moan.

Ryan : mfgggg

It begins as a welling of pressure deep within. The contractions build, and as he start to ejaculate, all his nerves become relaxed, it feels like the best orgasm for both of them, there nerves again started to tense up, But in a good way, of course. Like the greatest relief ever. This whole time, all they want to do is hold onto each other while they are doing it, while they are chasing it, they just grab eachother and hold on for dear life, because sometimes they're pretty sure tht they're going to die because of overbearing pleasure.

End of mature content ⚠️

On the other hand czar was so flushed afterwards. She didn't know what had happened to her. It all happens so sudden, there kissing session turns into an hot make out sessions, along with there hot chase nd Releasing there own orgasm, her positiveness nd jealousy gets the best out of her.
she is sweaty and her legs wouldn't stop shaking, even after the orgasm was over.

Both of there body was completely and utterly exhausted after there first orgasm with each other, they hugged each other breathing heavily coming down from there own high. They stay like tht until they completely calm down from there high, czarina expression became deadly serious when something strikes her mind. The reason behind her jealousy strikes her mind, nd the question she wants to asked clouded her mind, They pulled away from the hugged, facing eachother, czar is still sitting on his lap, he creased her cheeks with an sweet smile adorning his lips.

Ryan : are you okay..

He asked with an low concern tone, his smile is so genuine nd gentle, she didn't answer jst glare at him with some unknown expression. Ryan's smile disappear seeing her expression.

Ryan : what happened..

He asked with ab worried tone, thinking tht she is regretting whatever happen between them. But oh boy how wrong he is..

Czarina : who was tht girl with you last night in the club..

His eyes widened in shock, how did she knows about tht girl, czar was not there with him in the club last night than how, he remember everything clearly he is damn sure tht he didn't tell czar anything about tht girl than how she knows about it.


Yesterday night

Ryan went to the pub with some of his friends, till 11 all his friends disappear here nd there with random girls leaving Ryan alone, he drink few more drinks nd was about to get up when someone sit beside him, he didn't mind as he was drinking his last drink After which he'll go from there there he meet a girl name lin, he didn't recognise her at first sight, but after having few more drinks she reveals tht he is one of ryan past hooks up, the whole environment become awkward, until she started to laugh nd say tht she is jst teasing ryan, nd she has already moved on from ryan in the next morning after there one night stand think.

They talk nd had few more drinks together, ryan was unaware of the lust full gaze of Lin is throwing on him, she tried to come closer to him but everytime ryan moved away making an friendly distance between them, Lin was unaware of the deadly stares someone is throwing at her nd tht someone is none other than czar, who is looking at the whole senerio from starting through her laptop, she ordered few of her bodyguards to follow ryan nd there's a hidden pen camera in his front shirt pocket through which she was able to see everything, she is on her way to the pub, even if she is unable to listen there conversation she can clearly see Lins dirty lustful gaze on Ryan nd her blood is raising each second, her bodyguard inform her tht Lin spike ryan drinks, when she reached to the pub she saw Lin was trying to support a dead drink ryan who is completely under the effect of the drug Lin mixed in his drink,
Shd immediately run towards him nd take him away from tht bitch. Nd push her hard as an result Lin fall on the floor with an loud thud..

Loin.. I Love The Way Your HeartBeat Season 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن