Chapter 12: We're not chill

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We were off! I was driving, Baby was in the passenger seat, Lefty was in the seat behind Baby, Molten was in the middle, and ScrapTrap was in the seat behind me. And believe it or not, Molten and ScrapTrap were fighting. Over what? I have no idea.

(Heres how it looks:)

"LEFTY, GET YO DOG!" Scraptrap yelled

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"LEFTY, GET YO DOG!" Scraptrap yelled. "It don't bite" Lefty replied quietly. "YES IT DO!" Scraptrap yelled back as Molten bit his arm.

Baby turned her head to see the madness happening in the backseat. "If y'all don't calm down, we're not gonna make it to the house before (Y/N) rages at you guys" Lefty said.

Baby rolled her eyes, and looked at me. "Don't worry, friend, they're always like this" Baby reassured me.

"Is that not a reason to worry? They might break something in my house!" I yelled quietly. (Don't ask). "Good point."

"Now, when we get in this house, you are NOT going to fight, understand?" I asked sternly. "Yes, mom" Molten and Scraptrap replied simultaneously.

Scraptrap proceeds to slap Molten. "STOP. FIGHTING" I repeated as we pulled up to the house (into the garage or driveway if you have/want one).

"We have arrived. And what DON'T I want you to do?" I asked, sternly. "Fight" Molten and Scraptrap replied, like annoyed children.

I got out of the car, ready to get in the house. But then I realized the animatronics couldn't get out without the neighbors being suspicious. (SUS).

"GUYS HOW-" I was interrupted by the 4 robots, as HUMANS, getting out of my car. 'Oh I forgot about that'.

After the animatronics settled in, we all sat on the floor in the living room to play Uno. (If you don't like, or know how to play it, skip this part).

"YOU CAN'T ALWAYS WIN!!" Molten yelled out of nowhere. I was dead confused since this was the first round.

I looked at Baby in confusion. "You left Uno at the pizzeria and we played it quite a few times" Baby whispered. I mouthed 'Oh'.

Lefty grabbed Molten's arm and YEETed him forward while staring at the deck. "Wow, you're very strong" Molten complimented.

"Whatever" Lefty responded nonchalantly. However, I think we could all tell that Lefty cared seeing as Lefty looked at Molten with his ears lowered for a brief second.

After... What ever the frick that was, we all laid on the couch and watched (favorite channel) on YouTube. Where we fell asleep, peacefully.

(Here's how it looks:)

(Here's how it looks:)

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507 words kidz. Hello, kidz. I'm high today kidz- So ye my writing style changed kidz. Do you kidz like it?

I was having a good morning, then I had to go to the eye doctor. I literally said "nothing can ruin my day". THEN WHEN I WENT, I FOUND OUT I HAVE TO WEAR GLASSES IN 3 TO 4 DAYS!! THIS IS FRICKING HORRIBLE!! I HAVE THE BEST EYESIGHT IN MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY!!

Anyways enough about my eyes, I hope you guys have a great day/night. Bye bye, love you guys!

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