▪ Remember the Time: Fatal Passions [Part 2]

Start from the beginning

Michael's POV:

Michael finally pulled up to his house, slowly turning into the driveway after dropping Tamika off. After turning the car off, he sat there for a moment, thinking about Tamika's words tonight while they had sex -- "Go with what you feel, Michael. Just know that I am always here for you. I love you."
Those words did something to him emotionally -- he couldn't get them out of his head. He had always loved Tamika, despite everything they've been through together as friends and lovers. Sure, he loved Hannah to an extent, but not like he loved Tamika -- she makes him feel things he can't feel with Hannah. With his head on the steering wheel, he knew what he had to do. After proposing to his best friend, he knew in his heart that was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. After gathering his thoughts and progressing the issue at hand, he'd got out of his car, locked the door, and went inside his house. It's been a long day, so after showering and prepping himself for bed, Michael decided to give Hannah a call since she wouldn't stop sending messages to his beeper -- it has been going off all evening. He walked down his hallway to the phone on the wall, picked up the receiver and began to dial Hannah's number. By the second ring, she picked up:

H: "Hello?"

M: "Hey Hannah. It's me, Michael."

H: "Michael! Omg I have been trying to reach you all evening! Where were you? Are you ok?"

M: "Yeah, I'm fine, Han. I was out catching up with some old childhood friends and I wanted to wait 'til later tonight to give you a call back. I've been getting your messages."

H: "Oh Michael, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how things have been going between us lately. I know I've been a real bitch towards you, so I really want to see you and make it up to you."

M: *deep sigh* "Hannah, there's something I've been needing to say to you for quite some time now and I know you don't want to hear this but --"

H: *sarcastic tone* "Omg, just what I need right now."

M: "I-- *long pause* I accept your apology this time, but enough is enough. There's someone else and I'm serious about her."

H: "Wait...SERIOUSLY?!! What the hell, Michael! I thought you loved me!"

M: "That's the thing -- I thought I did. The love I once had for you has faded away when you started acting out towards me. You are not the woman anymore I once fell in love with a year ago. I know you must be thinking why am I doing this two weeks before the wedding, but I cannot marry someone I don't love."

*long pause*

M: "Hello?"

H: "So-- that's why you haven't been returning my messages. You liar! You were out messing around with 'HER'! How could you do this to me, Michael?! What am I going to tell my family? What about my dress? What about all the time and energy I've spent getting myself ready for this? Do you realize how this is making me feel?"

M: "And that's the problem! It has always been about 'you'! You never consider your own actions towards others, especially me. What about me and what I want? What I need?! Dammit, Hannah! You're so self-centered and I can't marry a woman that makes me feel like I should tolerate just any ol' thing she throws at me. I use to love you, but yeah, like you said before, you've been a real bitch lately, making me feel like you just want to marry me for my money."

H: "Stop that! You know that's not true! What the hell does she have that I don't?! Does she look better? I bet you fucked her too, didn't you?"

M: "As a matter of fact, I did and it's much better with her than it is with you. You were never like this when I first proposed to you, but since then, you just changed into this whole different person and I just don't know who you are anymore."

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