Ch 29: Theatre

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"Come on! A day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I've been missing," I said and I smiled widely. Katara gave in and the others agreed. I threw an arm around Y/n and smiled at her, both of us speaking in unison. 

"To the theater!"   

Later that evening...

We walked to the theater and sat in the nosebleed section, just to make sure we weren't recognized. As soon as we sat down, I put my arm around Y/n. She snuggled into me and I could feel my face heating up. 

The lights dimmed and the show began. It opened up with Katara and I's actors rowing a boat in the South Pole. I leaned down and tapped Katara, excitedly making sure she saw what I saw. We're celebrities!

Katara's actor went on monologues about hope, destiny, and fulfillment. My character kept cracking jokes about food. Katara and I looked at each other confused. 

"This is pathetic! My jokes are way funnier than this," I whispered to Katara. Toph laughed next to her. 

"I think he's got you pegged," she said giggling. Y/n choked on a laugh next to me and I glared at her before sitting back in my seat. 

We watched as Katara waterbending chopped open the iceberg and revealed Aang, who was played by a girl. Aang obviously wasn't happy about his casting choice, who giggled after every statement.  

"I don't do that, that's not what I'm like. And I'm not a woman!" Aang said frustratedly. Toph once again laughed. 

"Oh, they nailed you, Twinkle-Toes!" She said, chuckling. 

The play continued, introducing Zuko as the hot headed jerk he was back then. They even got his obsession with honor correct. 

"They make me look totally stiff and humorless," Zuko complained. 

"Actually, I think that actor's pretty spot-on," Katara teased and Y/n laughed.

"How could you say that?" Zuko asked. On stage, the actor playing Zuko's uncle suggested forgetting the avatar and getting massages. 

"How could you say that?" Actor Zuko said and we all laughed as Zuko sulked. 

The play continued to retell our adventures to the Southern Air Temple, to Kyoshi Island, to Omashu, and our run in with the pirates. 

We got to the part where Zuko had actually captured Aang, only for him to be saved by the Blue Spirit. Y/n leaned down to whisper to Zuko. 

"I thought Zhao did that," she questioned. Zuko shrugged, rolling his eyes. 

"They didn't vet their sources enough," he told her and she giggled. 

We moved on to us meeting Jet, and that's when Y/n was introduced. But it was more of her introducing Jet, than herself. 

"And this is Jet, the greatest leader on earth," Y/n's actor swooned. When Katara and Jet hugged as the city flooded, Y/n's actor was there to glare at Katara in jealousy. Y/n looked at the stage confusedly. 

"Not them portraying me as a lovesick pick-me. I did just as much fighting and challenged Jet enough to get more respect than that," she huffed. I pat her shoulder. 

"Darn right you did, babe," I told her and she glared at me, making me laugh. I let her know I wasn't being sarcastic, and she let me off the hook. 

"Look, it's the Great Divide, the biggest canyon in the Earth Kingdom," Aang's actor said. There was a pause before Sokka's actor spoke up.

"Eh, let's keep flying," he said. Y/n turned to the others. 

"Didn't you all almost die in there?" She asked. Aang, Katara, and I answered in union. 

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