Ch 2: Come With Us

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Y/n POV 

Sokka left to go talk to Aang and Katara, leaving his invitation open to me. He wants me to go with them to the North Pole. Is he trying to get me away from Jet? Does he think staying with the Freedom Fighters is going to get me captured? 

But wouldn't I put them in danger if that's what he thinks? He doesn't seem to be the person to put his friends in unnecessary danger. 

I sighed and left my tent, finally calmed down and relaxed. Oh well, I don't have to come up with a decision now. 

"Hey, Y/n," a voice called and I turned to see Katara on a lower platform than me. I took a line down and landed in front of her, noticing Sokka and Aang behind her. "You were with Jet and Sokka this afternoon right? What happened?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Jet beat and robbed a harmless old man," I said truthfully and Sokka gestured to me. 

"That's what I told them. But they want to hear it from Jet," he said. I shrugged. 

"Let's go find him then," I said and I led them to Jet's tent. Katara did most of the explaining of the situation and Jet sighed. 

"Y/n, Sokka, you told them what happened, but you didn't mention that the guy was Fire Nation?" 

"No, they conveniently left that part out," Katara said. 

"Even if he was Fire Nation, he was a harmless civilian," Sokka defended. Jet scoffed and pulled out a knife, stabbing it into the wood stump in front of him. 

"He was an assassin, Sokka. See? There's a compartment for poison in the knife. He was sent to eliminate me. You helped save my life, Sokka," Jet said, playing up the drama. 

Sokka pointed out how he didn't see the knife, but Jet gave the excuse that he was concealing it. 

"If he was concealing it, he had ample opportunity to use it. People carry around weapons to protect themselves from bandits, Jet, that's not unusual," I reminded him and he rolled his eyes. 

"Whatever the reason he didn't use it, he brought it with murderous intent," Jet said. I sighed.

"See Sokka? I'm sure you just didn't notice the knife," Katara said and Sokka grumbled. 

"There was no knife! I'm going back to the hut and packing our stuff," he said before he stormed out. Jet stood up.

"Tell me you guys aren't leaving yet. I really need your help," he said, addressing me along with Aang and Katara. I shook my head. 

"I think I'm good for a while on Jet missions. I'm going back to my tent," I said and left the three. 

I spent my time thinking. Jet's never been someone to go to extremes like this. What's gotten into him, and what else is he capable of? 

Sokka's offer is starting to sound real good right now... 

Sokka POV

"We can't leave now with the Fire Nation about to burn down a forest!" Katara screamed as she entered the hut.

"I'm sorry, Katara. Jet's very smooth, but we can't trust him," I told her. 

"You know what I think? You're jealous that he's a better warrior and a better leader," she said like she knew it all. I scoffed. 

"Katara, I'm not jealous of Jet. If anything, you're jealous of Y/n for being a better waterbender than you, which is why you haven't talked to her and keep cozying up to Jet," I said and she gasped. 

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