Ch 16: Drowning

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The next day...

Y/n POV 

I got up when the sun beamed through the window and got ready for the day with Hama and Katara. Alright, Y/n. No need to be nervous. You got this. You're just as much of  a waterbender as the two of them, you can participate guilt free. 

Once my little pep talk was over, I went outside the house and saw Katara and Hama already waiting there. She took us outside the village and down a path. 

"Growing up at the South Pole, waterbenders are totally at home surrounded by snow and ice and seas. But as you probably noticed on your travels, that isn't the case wherever you go," Hama started. Katara nodded enthusiastically. 

"I know, when we were stranded in the desert, I felt like there was almost nothing I could do," she said. I don't think I've felt that way before. 

"That's why you have to learn to control water wherever it exists," Hama instructed. I know I've done that before. 

"I've even used my own sweat for waterbending," Katara said proudly. 

"That's very resourceful Katara. But did you know you can even pull water out of thin air?" Hama said and she demonstrated by pulling the moisture out of the atmosphere and freezing it around her finger tips. I spoke up then. 

"Oh yeah, I've had to do that before," I said and I did my own move of spinning the water in the air into a ball in my hand. Hama smiled as Katara gasped. 

"You've got to keep an open mind, Katara. There's water in places you never think about," Hama said and that uneasy feeling came back. 

Just what does she mean by that? 


Sokka POV

Aang, Toph and I were looking around the area to see what would make a spirit mad enough to  steal people every full moon. We couldn't find much. 

"Maybe the moon spirit just turned mean," Toph suggested. I turned to her quickly. 

"The moon spirit is a gentle loving lady. She rules the sky with compassion...and lunar goodness," I defended, not happy about the Yue-slander. Aang and Toph looked at me confused before Aang noticed a guy walking behind us. 

"Excuse me, sir. Can you tell us anything about the spirit that's been stealing people?" Aang asked. 

"Only one man ever saw it and lived, and that's old man Ding," the guy told us. Toph and I went over to the man and Aang.

"Where does old man Ding live?" Toph asked. Once we we got our directions we went to pay the old man a visit. 

I wonder how Y/n and Katara are doing with their training... 



Hama brought us to a field filled with beautiful flowers. They were especially nostalgic for me, I remembered my mother used to always decorate my hair with them when I was younger. Good times... 

"They're called fire lillies. They only bloom a few weeks a year, but they're one of my favorite things about living here. And like all plants and all living things, they're filled with water," Hama told us.

Hama spun in a circle, drawing the water out of the small flowers and slicing a nearby rock with it. It was an impressive move, but the flowers were killed in the process. 

"That was incredible! It's a shame about the lilies though," Katara said as we looked on the dead and withered flowers. 

"They're just flowers. When you're a waterbender in a strange land, you do what you must to survive. Tonight I'll teach you the  ultimate technique of waterbending. It can only be done during the full moon, when your bending is at its peak," Hama told us. Strange she'd dismiss the flowers so easily. And what could she be teaching us at night?

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