Ch 23: Diary

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A few days later...

Sokka POV

I hadn't seen Y/n all day and Zuko was also conveniently missing, so I decided to look around for them. I started with both of their rooms, and they weren't there. I moved to the open terraces of the temple and didn't find them there either. 

I went to the far edge of the temple and finally found them talking. Being myself, I eavesdropped for a little. 

"I just want to know what's going on with him. Zuko, I just feel so out of the loop and I've been gone for years," Y/n said and I could tell she was upset. But why didn't she come to me?

"Y/n, I understand how you're feeling but your plan is crazy," Zuko said and before Y/n could argue I walked over. 

"What plan? You have to tell me, I'm the plan guy," I said, starting off with humor to trick them into letting their guard down. Y/n gave me a small laugh before Zuko took the lead. 

"Perfect, Sokka, you can talk her out of this. She wants to go to the Fire Nation to find information on her father," Zuko told me and I looked at Y/n in surprise. 

"Sokka, hear me out. I haven't had one good night sleep since I found out he was alive. And each time my nightmares involve him or my mother. I can't keep not knowing, it's driving me crazy," she confessed. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly. 

"I'm sorry Y/n," I told her and then I sighed. "What's your plan?" I asked her. She gave me a small smile. 

"There's a records library in the capital city. My father told me there's a scroll for every Fire Nation citizen there. It may have been an exaggeration but for a high ranked general, it's definitely true. My plan was to take Zuko's balloon back to the capital and sneak in the way I did on the day of the invasion. Find the scroll, figure out what happened to my father, and see him if I can," she explained. 

"It's crazy. What if you get caught? You could see your father, and not get the reaction you want. A lot's changed since you've been gone, Y/n," Zuko told her and I could see her struggling for an answer. I squeezed her hand and she looked at me, so I gave her a smile.

"Don't get me wrong, I think this is a crazy plan. But I did promise to support you. If you're going to do it anyway, I'd rather go with you," I told her. She smiled at me and nodded. 

"I'm going. Zuko, are you coming with us?" She asked and Zuko looked between us before sighing. 

"Fine. We'll leave before sundown," he said giving in. Y/n smiled before kissing me and hugging him. She left to go tell the others and get ready. Zuko turned to me. "Do you really think this is a good idea?" He asked me. 

"No, but I can tell that Y/n needs this. Those nightmares she was talking about, I've seen her after them. If this is what she needs to happen for her to feel better, I wanna help her," I said. He sighed and shrugged. 

"I hope it is, and for all our sakes, I hope that nothing happens."



After telling everyone the plan, and making sure they understood they couldn't talk me out of it, Sokka, Zuko, and I hopped in his war balloon and started off for the Fire Nation. As soon as we got into the air, I swirled the clouds around us to give us some cover. 

"We'll park the balloon on the southwestern side of the wall. We can sneak in past the guards and then we have to move fast to the library. Find the scroll, find your dad, and be gone before the sun rises," Zuko said, adding fire to the balloon's engine. Sokka and I nodded. 

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