Portwell summer camp Headcanons

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thanks hsmtmtsseason3

*They all relate to camp things or activities

** i hope i did this head canon thing correctly

1.) Gina falls first during Tug a War, E.J helps her stand up and uses it as an excuse to call her 'babe' for the first time since they started dating

2.) Gina doesn't realize that they are dating until Val, the new camp counselor asks Gina if E.J is single.

3.) for their one month anniversary, E.J makes something heart shaped at the arts and crafts cabin but he's impatient and it doesn't dry fast enough so its ruined by the time he gives it to Gina. She doesn't care though because he put the effort in to make it

4.) When it's pool day at camp, E.J chooses Ricky as his partner when the group decides to play marco polo and Gina feels left out, but she gets cuddles from E.J in his cabin at the end so it's all good

5.) Gina gets upset during opening night of Frozen the musical on the last day of camp because her mom can't come see her perform again so E.J records it on a videocam so that he can send it to her mom later

6.) no one is allowed to have a phone at camp besides the adults, E.J uses this as an opportunity to get pictures of Gina making funny faces at camp w/ Ashlyn's disposable camera since he doesn't have his own

7.) E.J's attempt at writing a song for nini went horribly so he makes it his summer resolution to write a good song for Gina by the time he leaves for college

8.) Gina gives E.J the silent treatment for a day because she's mad at him because he wanted to mess with her hair during the camp food fight on a friday afternoon

9.) EJ finds a way to get risotto for their first date since they are at camp

10.) Whenever Gina feels insecure in her two piece bathing suits during pool days at camp E.J finds a way to cheer her up

11.) E.J gets mad because he doesn't get a part in Frozen the musical and Gina lists a billion things that he's better at then being in a musical

12.) Gina doesn't want to fall asleep on the bus ride to camp because she's too excited for her first camp experience, but she winds up falling asleep on E.J's shoulder from over exciting herself. E.J realizes that he needs to ask her to be his girlfriend this summer at that moment.

13.) Gina watched Frozen on the bus because Carlos tells her it's the camp musical they are putting in but EJ just wants to be clingy with her since they started dating

14.) EJ secretly brings a stuffed animal to camp and Gina find out and tells him that she bought hers too. They also have stuffed animal play dates when they need to be comforted.

15.) EJ wants to get a tattoo in the summer but Gina is under the legal age so he gives her a temporary tattoo and is super careful with the sponge when applying it in the arts and create cabin. Gina even let's him pick out a random tattoo as long as it's not chains or skulls. Because her personality is nothing like that.

16,.) EJ is really good with the younger kids at camp Ecspecially the 8th graders and Gina reccomends to him that he should become a teacher 

17.) they break all of the camp rules even curfew

18.) EJ is afraid of bugs and freaks out when he sees a spider in Gina's cabin. Gina just lets it crawl outside as if it's a pet.

19.) they sing at every camp
Sing along too loud

20.) they both blush in embarrassment anytime anyone says they are "cute or adorable" together

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