Red Means Love (Big Red, Ashlyn)

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Big Red's POV:

When Miss Jenn announced that the East High drama club would be going to Camp Shallow Lake for a few weeks this summer for an acting exercise and leadership enrichment session. I kinda peed my pants. 

I got more nervous than excited about the camping trip because at first I thought that she meant like camp in a tent in the woods with bears type of thing but then Carlos explained to the group that it was a musical/ acting summer camp not a into the woods and die camp.

That calmed me down a bit but mostly just the fact that Ashlyn held my hand when I heard the word "woods" calmed me down.

She brings my heart rate down. I bring her blood pressure down. What can I say? I watch too much Greys Anatomy and she hates that I watch it because she gets nervous around blood.

I guess Ashlyn doesn't mind these little quirky things about me. That's another reason why I love her so much. She accepts everyone for who they are.

I'm about to ask my parents to sign this Camp permission slip form and why am I even talking to myself?

"Mom, Dad, do you have a moment?" I knock on the door of their office that's in the back of Slices.

"Um can you sign this permission slip for me please?"  I nervously bite my lip and hand over the slip Miss Jenn gave each of the drama club students to have in by Monday or something like that.

I don't know why she gives us things right before summer break but hopefully this is my chance to spend the summer with Ashlyn.

"Of course. What's it for?" I listen to my dad reply as he reads the from that I placed on his desk.

"Miss Jenn wants the theater club to go to this theater summer camp session. She thinks it will be good for leadership and acting," I repeat what Carlos explained at the club meeting earlier the other day or so.

"Three weeks?! Son, that's three weeks off of work. Who's going to help with the pizza place?" I watch my dad's eyes get big as he puts down her pen which means he isn't signing the form.

"Marcus, I'm sure we can find someone to take his shifts. I like that he's getting involved in things. This sounds like a fun opportunity for him," I overhear my mom whisper to my dad.

I guess I wasn't meant to hear that.

"And doesn't Howie still has shifts? And don't you have other staff members taking up summer shifts?" I look at my parents as my dad shuts the door a bit too loudly so that other staff members can't hear us.

"We'll think about it. When's the form due?" I hear my mom say as she places her hand on my shoulder.

"Uh I think this Monday? Check the bottom of the form," I shrug my shoulders because I completely forgot about the due date.

"Oh and I think Kourtney is going to the camp too. I don't know if she's taking time off her assistant manager job or not," I mumble but that was a mistake I shouldn't have mentioned Kourtney because that means -2 staff members.

I watch my parents whisper to each other at their desk for a few minutes and don't even bother to eavesdrop on their conversation because that's rude.

And I'm not rude.

"I'm sorry son, but if we let you go  that means we're losing two staff members for more than just five shifts. We can't afford to do that. Slices already has a three star rating on yelp. I don't know how we got the extra star and we can't afford to lose the shop in a matter of three weeks," I listen to my mom speak as a frown appears on her face.

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