I Gotta Go My own Way PT.3 to Frozen in Time (Ricky, E.J)

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A/N: read part 1 "Frozen in Time" and part 2 "The Next Right Thing" first. If u haven't already. Enjoy!!

E.J's POV:

"So, what song did you choose for your "coming out audition song"?," I step inches away from Ricky so we can talk and make air quotes with my hands.

"I can't tell you yet because I haven't rehearsed it yet and I don't know if it's the right song either," I watch Ricky sit back down on the tree stump that he found in the woods and start to play with his fingers.

"Well whatever song you choose, it better be a happy song not a sad song and I can't wait to hear it," I reach down to where he's sitting and hold his hand to comfort him.

"Ok," I watch Ricky shrug his shoulders while I stoop down to his level to see what's going on.

One second we're kissing and enjoying each other's company in the woods and the next thing I know he's anxious and nervous again.

"What's wrong Ri? One moment we're kissing and happy to see each other again and the next second you seem like you are thinking about something else." I sit down so I can reach the tree stump level.

"Kristoff isn't gay or bi, he falls in love with a princess and I don't want our friends to know about us just yet. I don't want Gina to find out. I don't even know if she found out already from someone else but I don't want to see people get hurt because of me. I don't want to do a stupid musical all summer just so I can play a guy who likes a princess or I have to watch you play a guy who likes a princess instead of me. I know it's just acting but I get jealous and now that we confessed our feelings to each other, I'm even more nervous being the around others that aren't Big Red and Ashlyn," I listen to Ricky rant and watch him stand up from the tree stump he was sitting on and start to pace around and run his hands through his curls anxiously.

He's honestly so adorable when he gets nervous and I love his curls. There's one little curls that hangs out in front of his eyebrow and he doesn't bother to move it out of his eye so he can see. It's so cute.  But besides his curls I can't just let him act like this and think like this. He deserves a chance to play whatever told he wants.

"Ri, look at me," I follow him as he paces around the woods, then finally place my hand on his shoulder since I'm a few inches taller than him.

"What?! Are you going to tell me everything us going to be alright? Like when my mom tried to tell me that a divorce was alright for our family? Coming out as bi to my friend group is certainly not alright, especially when I'm going to hurt Gina along the way," I listen to Ricky start to get frustrated even though my hand is still on his shoulder.

Gosh, sometimes this kid just needs meditation classes and anger management therapy.

"Uh no I wasn't going to say that. Just listen to me Ricky," I take my hand off of his shoulder once his breathing has steadied.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous for this audition and just everything that has changed in the past few days," I watch him bite his lip and look down at the dirt ground.

"It's okay to be nervous. We all get nervous Ricky. I was going to say that it doesn't matter what gender, ethnicity, or sexuality you identify as, you can audition for any character you want to. I will still support you even if you audition for Anna or Elsa or even Olaf. I won't audition anyway so you don't have to see me fall in love with someone else. And we will find a way to keep this a secret if that's what you really want but I have to break up with Gina first and I am probably going to have to lie to her if you don't want me to reveal anything about us," I take a deep breath and tell Ricky all of this because it's 100% true.

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