It's Okay to Ask for Help (Big Red, Ashlyn)

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A/N: since y'all love redlyn fluff here's one more fanifc till my "A Week Away Part 3" and we actually did this at camp. Let's get onto more anxious Ashlyn because this is me to a tee. Disclaimer I've only done this once so yeah. Oh and I need more requests

Ashlyn's POV:

Everyday we would report to the dining hall main floor to see what the camp activity was. Usually it would pertain to music or something that I like to do like arts and crafts but today just seemed different since Miss Jenn said that the camp director wanted to meet all the campers and counselors outside after breakfast.

We usually do our outdoor activities in the afternoon when the sun comes out so this is different. I don't even have bug spray on yet.

"Hey Biggie, do you know what we're doing today?" I lean over to ask him since we're walking to the trial where everyone is headed to.

"Oh, I overheard from Ricky and E.J that we're fishing today. I'm so excited for this because my dad and I used to go all the time before he started the pizza place. I put on extra sun tan lotion and bug spray too," I look over to see my boyfriend smile.

I unlock my hand from his since mine gets sweaty and shaky when I get nervous and I don't want him to know that.

"Oh yay, E.J loves fishing," I mumble as I walk ahead to the trail where we'd be fishing.

The lake is just at the end of the trail.

I love trying new things but don't get me wrong. I hate the nature activities especially hiking because last time we went I sprained my ankle and the guys from the group had to carry me back.

I felt hopeless and dumb for not noticing a tree stump but I was too busy waiting for Big Red to catch up with me.

He's a slow poke and doesn't like hiking too.

"Ugh, my makeup is already feeling sticky and moist. This heat," I catch up to Nini and Kourt instead of my boyfriend from behind.

"I take it, you guys aren't excited to go fishing too?" I look over to see them frown.

"I'd rather be writing a song about fishing then actually do it," I hear Nini groan.

"I'm only doing this because Nini said she needed a friend and everyone else has a partner. Where's Big Red?" I look over to my side to see Kourtney look concerned.

"Probably lagging behind with Ricky," I shrug my shoulders and put on a fake smile as we approach the edge of the lake where there are fishing poles and life jackets set up.

"Everyone put on a life jacket in your size and listen to Counselor Adam for instructions," I look over and see the camp director yell at us through a bullhorn.

Great no this again.

"I mean Gina seems to be enjoying it a bit too much," I hear Nini whisper as she leans over to my side.

I look over to where the life jackets are and see my cousin kissing my best friend behind a tree.


So, not only am I anxious about trying new things outdoors like fishing but I also have to watch my best friend and cousin kiss at summer camp.

"Let's go grab our life jackets before E.J makes out with them," I see Kourtney roll her eyes at the couple as I follow her since I don't know where Big Red is.

"I thought that you didn't want to do this Kourt," I follow her and grab a Large size life jacket from the rack.

"Yeah but it's not like I have any choice and I don't want to sit out like Carlos and Seb are. Kourtney Greene always tries her best even when its a gross outdoor activity," I hear her grown as she clips her life jacket on.

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