A Creature at the Window (Ricky, Big Red)

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Ricky's POV:

It's the first night at Camp Shallow Lake and I'm excited for a new adventure and a new me. This summer is going to be fun. Well, except for the fact, that Big Red and I are cabin mates.

His sleep apnea machine drives me insane and he bought his noise machine when we can clearly hear crickets chirping outside.

"Dude, are you awake?" I nudge his shoulder.

"Dude, wake up!" I say a bit louder.

"Ricky, what is going on? Go back to sleep," Big red wakes up and takes off his sleep apnea machine. 

"I thought that I heard something outside. I want to see what it is," I nudge his shoulder again.

"What time is it?" Big Red shoves a pillow in his face.

"Ummm 4:30 am," I look at my watch since we weren't allowed to have electronics here.

"Go back to sleep. It's probably the crickets. We are in the woods after all," Big Red says before putting his sleep apnea machine back on.

"Dude, wake up I gotta pee," I nudge him again.

"Just go in the woods or something," I hear Big Red mumble.

"I told you there's something outside. I heard something," I nudge him again but he's already asleep.

Once again, I hear this crawling and scratching  sound outside our cabin. Sounds like something scratching at our door. An animal?

"Big Red, there's something outside," I nudge him again a bit harder.

"Go back to sleep Ricky," I hear him mumble from under his sleep apnea mask.

"Fine, I'll go outside by myself," I mumble so much for best friends.

This time the animal sound is louder but its scratching at our window. It sounds like a squirrel. I shouldn't be afraid of a squirrel right.

"Oh hey guys, good morning," I see Natalie Bagley in her pajamas standing at our door looking at our window.

"Umm hey Natalie," Big Red yawns at her.

Well he's up now.

"What are you doing at this hour in front of our cabin?" I ask her as she fidgets with her hands.

"Nothing," She replies mysteriously.

"Ok, well I gotta follow this single guy to the woods, bye," Big Red says surprisingly.

Wow way to make me feel single. 

"That was weird," Big Red says to me as we follow signs to the bathrooms.

Thank god, I don't have to go in the woods. I would have hated Miss Jenn for bringing us to this place if there weren't real bathrooms.

"Dude, what the heck! You woke me up to go to the bathroom," Big Red nudges me at the sinks.

"I told you I heard something outside and made an excuse to get you to go with me," I whisper to him.

After washing my hands, I follow Big Red back to our cabin since he's half asleep.

"Oh hey Natalie, what are you still doing here?" Big Red asks her.

Ok, this is weird. I did have to use the bathroom but why is Natalie Bagley still at our cabin door?

"You have to promise not to tell Miss Jenn," Natalie says biting her lip.

"We promise we won't tell her. We just want to go back to sleep," I mumble.

"I lost Reggie again," She starts shaking a bit.

Oh no she's not having an anxiety attack in the woods at this early in the morning is she?

I heard that she had a mental breakdown when Miss Jenn said she couldn't bring her emotional support hamster to camp. 

"Who's Reggie?" BIg Red said next to me while yawning.

"My emotional support hamster," Natalie starts crying.

Oh no, we made her cry.

"Ok, well I heard this scratching sound at our window earlier," I say and go look over to our window which has bite marks on it.

Damn Reggie is aggressive. Our window shield has bite holes in it.

"I'm going back to bed. It's too early and we have our first session tomorrow," Big Red replies next to me.

So much for helping a friend.

"Natalie, I will help you find your hamster," I say while yawning.

Big Red was right it is too early for this.

"Thank you so much Ricky. Miss Jenn would kill me if she knew Reggie was here," Natalie says even though she's still upset.

"Do you have a box or something to put him in?" I try to comfort her while looking around our cabin exterior.

And there Reggie is sitting at our other window chewing on a piece of wood that must have fallen off the cabin.

"Here," Natalie hands me a box with holes in it.

I gently grab Reggie and put him in the box than cover him with the lid.

"Now, are you okay?" I ask Natalie while handing her the box.

"Yeah I'll be okay. Please don't tell Miss Jenn I bought Reggie," Natalie leans over to hug me.

See it feels good helping people. I mentally pat myself on the back and go back to bed. Maybe I can do good things without Nini.

"I won't say a thing but I don't thing a hamster can survive in a box at camp," I laugh lightly trying not to make her upset again.

"I have food and water for him. I'll talk to her in the morning then if that makes campers feel better," Natalie says as she waves to me goodnight.

Well that was quite a morning. I hope that the rest of camp isn't like this. I like helping people but I'm here for finding myself, not hamsters.

A/N: I thought I would start with a funny imagine I just randomly thought of. I legit had this dream lol I am weird. Enjoy or cringe.Drop Request in the first chapter not this chapter please.

Summertime Madness: HSMTMTS ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz