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As I reach my machetes I'm met with a man, he was picking them up. His body freezes at the sight at me and he fumbles to raise the sharp blade to me, it shakes as he holds it to my face. For a second I feel like letting him go but for the better chances of survival I need the machetes back.

I whip out my largest knife from my left breast pocket on the diagonally placed belt crossing over the other in the middle of my chest. With one quick swipe his neck begins to bleed, he drops to the floor grabbing the wound.

His body is skinny, small and extremely frail, there was no danger from him that I had. He chokes on his own blood and I quickly grab the machetes from him as the canon booms. The male morphing from 6 lay breathless, lifeless and what for?

I quickly I sprint down to the beach where Johanna, Blight, Wiress and Beetee stand waiting for me.
"We better get going, hurry up." Johanna snaps before turning on her heel towards the jungle.

It's damp, hot and humid in here, I quickly get soaked in sweat and become breathless. Beetee had fallen far behind us, he was slowing us down by a lot so I feel it's better to carry him or at least attempt.

I sweep him up and he's on my back, only then do I see the small wound on his back. It's only small and isn't deep so there wouldn't be a high chance of any death from it so I carry on.

Not to soon after running it starts getting dark, so we feel it's best to set up camp. There's no sign of fresh water anywhere near, we are all dehydrated, hot and tiered from running. "I'll take first watch while you can all sleep," I begin and nobody argues, "I'll also hunt near for a bit before so we can at least have some food."

I have no luck finding anything except for some nuts, I gather a few and head back. I slump under the tree and stare up to the stars, me and Finnick would always do this back in four when we couldn't think of what to say after I came out of isolation in my house. Finnick always says the brightest star was Marcus watching over me, it felt nice knowing that even if it was my fault he was gone and nothing I could do can bring him back.

The Panem anthem booms as as the capital seal illuminates the sky, faces of the fallen tributes flash up. Relief floods over me as I don't see Finnick up there. I'm startled by the rumbling of thunder come from somewhere in the deep jungle all the way to my right. Through the trees a larger one stands out, and lightning strikes only hitting the large tree.

Johanna, Blight and Beetee sit up watching as it goes and passes. Not to long later rain starts, excitement falls over us as we run out from under the cover of the tree. Instead of the cold, light weight water pouring down on my face I find myself choking. Hot, chunky, liquid pours down coating everything a dark brownish red, it's dark and hard to see.

Everyone scrambles to their feet and we try get out of the jungle in a panic. I get separated from the group but even if I open my mouth for a second nothing comes out no sound, instead the blood fills up and I'm choking it up. I hide under a heavily covered tree before I hear anything but the rain of blood, "Blair! Blair where are you?!" It's Johanna but before I can call back there's a loud bang and a canon sets off. Blight hit the force field.

I cradle myself into a ball as I wipe the hot blood off of my face but it's just replaced by more. The only way I can get out of this is by waiting it out.
I get lightheaded and my vision blurs before going black, my body falls to the soft mushy earth under me.

As I awaken the sun was cracking slightly into the sky, I must've slept all night. The horrible blood rain had stopped and I get up, everything around me was coated in a disgusting shade of red. Where had they gotten all of this blood from? Who could've thought of such a horrible thing?

I quickly start jogging towards where I think the beach is, I know that's where Johanna went and it's probably better than in here. My jog turns into a sprint and at some points I feel there's no point as I remember my games. Marcus floods these memories like a ghost haunting me.

It's nearly mid-day by the look of the sun in the sky when I get to the beach, in the water I see Katniss and Wiress together.

I pause in the tree line if Finnick hadn't died while I slept he should be here since he was with Katniss and Peeta. Warmth and happiness forms in the pit of my stomach, I must've zoned out because when I look up Katniss is pointing a bow at me.


How's the story going for you guys? If I'm honest idk what should happen next. What should I do? Anyways love you guys byeee! ❤︎︎

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