From The Underworld To Hell

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Hades chuckled lightly as he watched his two-year-old daughter having fun in the underworld. She was the light of his life and so spirited unaware of how much being trapped in the Isle and the underworld sucks.

His joy was cut short when he knew it was time to go to work now. Hades waits just a little longer until Harmony tires herself out. "Pain! Panic!" Hades shouted making the two imps run and fall down the stairs.

"Uh oh." Harmony said pointing at them.

"Idiots." Hades mumbled before glaring down at them. "Get the souls lined up and ready for judgment while I put the princess down for her nap."

"Yes sir!" The imps saluted before rushing to the river.

"No nap." Harmony pouted.

"I know." Hades said as he rubbed her back. "Maybe next year we'll stop but two-year-olds need naps, even princesses." Hades snapped his fingers and Harmony was in pajamas now before he put her in her small bad.

"I won't take long, I promise then we can keep playing. Deal?" Hades asked.

"Deal." Harmony nodded before laying down.

"That's my girl." Hades kissed her head and was about to get up.

"Wait." Harmony quickly grabbed his hand.

"Yes?" Hades asked.

Harmony gave him another hug and kissed his cheek. "Love you."

Hades hugged her back tightly. "Love you most princess."

Harmony laid back down and closed her eyes making Hades smile and leave her room.

Hades spent an hour judging the souls telling them which way to go. He lit one of the boats with his blue fire so that it would open a path when they get there.

Hades decided Harmony could sleep just a little bit longer before he went over to his tv. Once he turned it on he saw Adam Beast on the tv being praised. That just angered him to a new level before he burst out in flames and screamed in anger.

Harmony heard his scream and jumped out of bed. "Daddy?" Harmony made herself appear by the River Styx and saw a blue light was in the distance. "Daddy." Harmony ran after it thinking it was her dad's hair she was seeing. "Wait for me." Harmony stayed on the very narrow edge of the tunnel as she continued following the light.

Hades finally cooled down and decided to check on Harmony. He appeared in her room and gently knocked on the door before slowly opening it. He then slammed it open when he saw Harmony wasn't in her bed. "PAIN! PANIC!"

The imps once again ran over after tripping again. Hades grabbed them by their throats. "FIND HARMONY!" The imps gasped when they heard their young princess even they love was gone. They both went the opposite direction while Hades went to see if she maybe went to their hangout that's on the Isle.

Harmony however looked around in fear when she saw she was now in a place with a red sky and monsters walking everywhere. She's never been here before and this didn't look like home at all plus she also lost the blue light she was following that she believed was her dad. "Daddy!" Harmony called as she walked around trying to find him.

Someone nearby heard her call and looked over and saw a toddler wearing pajamas and blue hair for fire. "What the hell?" Striker walked over and up to the girl. "Howdy little lady." Striker tipped his hat. "Lost your pa?"

"Daddy." Harmony said looking around.

"You ain't from here are you kid?" Striker asked.

Harmony shook her head no.

"What ring you live in?" Striker asked.

"Ring?" Harmony asked confused since she doesn't wear rings.

"Yeah, you know, Pride? Envy? Greed?"

He was just met with a blank stare.

"How old are you?" Striker asked.

"Two." Harmony answered since that was what her dad always told her she was.

"Fuck, you're only two?" Striker rubbed his temples. Striker reached into his bag and pulls out some paper and a pencil. "What's your name little lady?" Striker asked.

"Harmony." Harmony answered.

"Interesting name for a girl in Hell." Striker said. "Alright little one, tell me exactly what your dad looks like."

Daughter of Hades Descendants AU Raised In WrathWhere stories live. Discover now