So It Was Actually Kreig, And Not Fince

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"It's just a damn door! Why can't any of you do anything fucking right?!" Vex'ahlia complained to the three members of Vox Machina at the door of the general's house. Scanlan, Pike, and Keyleth were arguing/talking/discussing how to bust the shitty huge golden door in front of them for the past five minutes. Rowan was starting to get fucking bored at watching them trying to open the stupid door. Pike was muttering like a dork;"It's not magic, though!" Keyleth was trying to figure out how to melt the door without burning Scanlan's clothes. Scanlan, of course, was scolding Keyleth to use other methods of opening the door, and playing his lute to open it.

Rowan sighed, and went to get the toothpick on Grog's sandwich. "Need to borrow this for a sec, Grog." He quickly ate the fruit on the toothpick, and slid it inside the lock. Maneuvering around the gears and complex machine that locked this damn door.


All of them stared at him, feeling like idiots standing in front of a teacher. "All it takes is a bit of finesse, guys." Vax commented sheepishly.

"Indeed, Vax." Percy commented, and rolled his green eyes.

Vex signaled them to be quiet, and they all headed inside.

The inside was decorated with rich furniture, a red carpet laid down on the floor, stairs winding up to the second floor, and a horrible life-sized painting of the general of Emon. It was mostly bare, but dozens of suits of armor were lined up on the walls. Another door led to the kitchen probably, he thought.

Vex signaled everyone to whisper. "We should split up. Percy and Keyleth, you take the second floor. Grog, and Scanlan—-"

"Or we could just search the basement." The other half-elf replied smugly, showing them a wooden trapdoor half covered by the wooly carpet. Vex gave her brother a look, but he simply smirked, and opened it slowly. Trying to see if there were any traps waiting for them. They went down slowly, occasionally bickering about ale or who would kill Fince first. That was until they saw Fince wearing a gray, hooded cloak, with a satchel slung over his back, stuffing scrolls into it. A dagger held tightly on his side. 

"Ah ha! I knew it! You were actually planning to kill General Kreig, weren't you Fince?" Scanlan announced, feeling smug, but Rowan could sense there was something amiss.

Fince held up his hands in surrender. His face pale. "No! You don't understand! Kreig is the one----!" Blood spurted out of his mouth, and a sword was impaled on his chest. Rowan's senses became sharper as he threw his dagger acurately to the mysterious person behind him. A grunt was heard as he summoned the dagger back, and grabbed the dead elf by his arm, and threw him to Vex and Vax.

Holding up his dagger, he called out in the darkness. "Come out, General. I know you're in there, lurking in the shadows like a coward. Show your face, motherfucker." A laugh echoed throughout the dark basement, as the general of Emon appeared before them. 

His sword colored brightly in red shining blood, an ominous smile playing on his face. Kreig raised his hands in mock surrender. Rowan narrowed his eyes at him, suppressing the urge to gut his ass out. "Such language! Even from a rogue like you! Damn, and I thought the world was quite mess up as it already was. Oh, did I shock the shit out of you lot?"

He didn't even have to turn around to see the shock faces of Vox Machina. He could already feel their minds trying to work out the problem in front of them. Why would the general kill the Fince in the first place when he was trying to save the kingdom by being a total ass-jerk. "So, lemme guess. It was never Fince, but you. You and blue headed piece of shit are actually working together to try and destroy Emon." It was a statement, not a question.

"You're a lot smarter than the rest of these pig headed lot." He pointed to the crowd of people behind Rowan. "But there was one reason why I suggested Vox Machina to the idiot Uriel, and that's because no one gives two shits about rogues, and bands of criminals." 

Rowan snorted, rolling his eyes. "Are you that dumb-headed, Kreig? You actually think I'm with them? Please, I only came with them since Gilmore bribed me. The only thing that works in this world is that you treat others the same way as you. By the look of things, Emon hasn't dealt with you kindly, hasn't it?' (AND WHY I MADE IT IN BOLD WORDS IS 'CAUSE IT'S A QOUTE FROM TECHNOBLADE, THE BLOOD GOD.) "I work alone, not with a group. It ruins my reputation in the underworld business." He sneered at him.

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