Gilmore's Shop. Also Add An Elf And Gnome While You're At It

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Sunlight poured down the streets on Tal'Dorei like a fire spreading all over a forest. Shops were open and buzzing with excitement of the different packs of goods the traders and merchants had bought from all over the realms. Different people with unusual clothing did many different things like talking, running, walking, etc. Tal'Dorei was the type of city where colors would never cease to amaze faraway people from strange lands, and it still lived up to its peaceful prosperity. A young man wearing a midnight blue hooded cloak swept through the streets with a bag heaved on his shoulders. He looked about in his mid-thirties, but was actually twenty. Barely twenty, just turned yesterday. His idea of a little birthday party was making a whole bunch of weaponry, and stealing the occasional gold right off people's noses to buy an expensive item that a friend of his might want for business. A few ladies wearing fluffy gowns giggled, and smirked at him, quietly gossiping about the handsome stranger in Tal'Dorei.

He was quite a good looking lad. His hair was long, and wavy, the color purple and black like the galaxy, and his eyes were different shades of dark blue, and purple . Slim, but had a nice build on the shoulders, chest, and arms—not the heavily muscled type of build—, and his clothes were the type that a samurai would wear. Blue long sleeves that dropped a little towards the ground (no skirt), brown pants, and two daggers strapped to his waist, and a mask shaped like a kitsune fox. Nodding politely to the ladies—and also giving them a small smile—he made his way to the place where he could sell his weaponry, and got the juicy news of the city he rarely goes to. Gilmore's Glorious Goods.

. . .

As usual, the place looked like a tavern decorated by some princess. It was colored in elegant purple, and the sign atop was carved in wood, painted metallic gold. It was the size of a dainty, but simple restaurant, with items that peculiar people would only dream of buying (mostly mercenaries), and a whole bunch of boxes at the back of the tavern. The galaxy-haired man took a deep breath and strode in the shop, hoping that Gilmore had some news of them. It took him a moment to realize that there was an elf, and a gnome inquiring how to kill a dragon, which he quite found...amusing, yet ridiculous at the same time. Stories of old told many tales of their plundering, and the misfortune they would bring. Death, blood, and fire would consume all the beings that were defenseless against the beast of the skies. Ballads of old would even write songs and poems of the mysterious origins, and who'd been plundered by dragons before. Yet no one came to ever finding out the secret on how to kill one. Technically not all, he had a theory, but that was a story for next time.

"Ah, my dear half-elf friend. Tales of old had been sung, stories known across the world about them, but the secret to killing one? That is...well, quite something I haven't heard of." Gilmore said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm afraid I don't have much—!" It was at this moment that the storekeeper knew he was not completely lost.

"Shite." The twenty year old muttered.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't one of my favorite customers, Riah Whitestone!" His business friend announced out loud. The gnome, and half elf turned around and saw Riah. "If you want any information about dragon killing and it's secret, you might as well go to Riah himself."

Riah pressed his lips uncertainly, eyes darting between the gnome and half elf, but it was the gnome that bothered him a lot. She radiated pure light, and being the user of the dark would not go well with her.

"Hello, Gilmore. I've only got a theory on how to kill them, not actually has its secrets, besides. She," He pointed at the gnome. "Is not the type of person I'd work well with."

She crossed her arms, eyes bright with defiance. "How do you know? You haven't even tried working with me yet."

Gilmore's eyes glittered with amusement, a faint smile twitched on his lips. "Ahh, yes. I forgot. You practice dark magic, and use it, correct? The power of light makes you uneasy?" The two stared at him with sharp eyes, as if he was something disgusting. Riah gritted his teeth, and nodded slightly. The Dawnfather and the Everlight were one of the major gods that gave hope and serenity to this world, but he long ago left that path. It gave him nothing but emptiness, and grief. He'd led himself to believe that the gods of light will always be there for the people in this world, but of course, gods were truly selfish creatures.

Riah clicked his tongue, putting his bag onto the floor, and crossed his arms. Purple-blue eyes flashing rather threateningly at the half elf and gnome. "Yes, I practice dark magic and use it for my daily life. If you want to comment on that, I would suggest you stick your butts on a pile of horse dung, idiots. I haven't got time for this Gilmore, so if you want these weapons, then I would suggest you take them quickly before I chuck them in the fire." He hissed angrily. People always judged him, no matter how many times he doesn't bother others, or gives a shite about them, they always seem to want to indulge with him or something.

The elf raised his hands, his hair swept over his face. Chocolate eyes seemed to bore into Riah's soul. "Relax, Riah. We really need advice on how to kill a dragon even if it's just a theory, and we'll even pay you. As for Pike, she doesn't judge anyone for their belief or practice."

"Ha! Oh, aren't such a sweet elf, Vax'ildan! Riah Whitestone doesn't care a lot about money! Heck, you can't even bribe him or barter with him on gold!" Gilmore laughed.

The gnome—Pike, stared at him in awe. "You don't care much about money? Aren't you like a mercenary, though?" Vax'ildan looked at him with...respect?

He shook his head, licking his lips. "Don't you know the term 'saving'?" Using air quotes, the two mercenaries stared at him. "Gods, help me. You're telling me from the look on your face you spend all of your money for anything you need or want, but don't even put aside a few bags?" Gilmore laughed loudly. If anything, mercenaries were notorious for spending money. Mostly for beer and weaponry.

Pike smiled guiltily. "Yeah, we don't really save a whole bunch of money, and we owe a whole bunch of debts. But," She took a breath, took a step towards him, and stretched out her arm for a handshake. "We really need a whole bunch of advice on how to kill this blue dragon wrecking all of the villages near Tal'Dorei. Even if it's just a theory, and we'll find a way to repay you. Also, if we seemed like judging you about your magic, we're sorry. It's just a little surprising—"

"It's no problem. But I really don't know if I can—"

Gilmore magically appeared beside them. "Come on, my dear boy. You need to go out more! Especially socializing with different people! And Vox Machina has quite a genius in their group." He winked at Riah flirtily. Oh he knew that was the push and information he needed to know to get on board with the plan. Rowan stared at the bag, then at Gilmore.

The shopkeeper nods, and disappears. He sighed, and hauled the bag of weapons onto his back

"Well, let's go meet your friends, shall we?"

A/N: I'm writing the drafts for Living In The Demigod World as quickly as possible, but we writers know we don't wanna rush it too much, otherwise it won't turn out to be good. For anyone who has Amazon Prime, WATCH LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA, I swear to god, it's such a good show! The plot and everything is legit as heck! My favorite characters are Vax'ildan, and Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, aka Percy XXXDDD. Gods, the author made his name super long, eh? Hope you guys are doing great out there! Be safe.

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