After the call was finished you sighed and smiled, soon you and Ethan would be going home, though honestly, you hoped things would turn out okay as you turned and left that place to get to the elevator...only to find out it wasn't in the best condition. Groaning at this you knew you'd have to search the damn ship for replacement parts to get this damn thing up and running.

Finding or making supplies on the way you later found a lug wrench you took that with you to use it for the elevator to open the hatch that was locked up, tossing it back out the elevator doors you had jumped down the hatch itself and was finally inside the elevator however since it was broken down, for now, you began your search for the replacements.

This time however you pulled out your knife and had it ready considering with stuff like this now that Eveline knows you weren't pretending to be her mother anymore she'd send more of her little friends after you to stop you. But you too would stop at nothing to save your husband. After was kind of your fault he was in all this mess.

'Not to mention I'll have to explain everything once we get home.' You thought.

First, you decided to start with the 2nd floor so you leaped up a bit and pulled yourself up to the 2nd floor, looking around you realized that this was the same floor you once stayed on while on this ship, checking the room you used previously you noticed it was only a bit messy though other things were untouched which was a bit shocking but not enough to get a reaction out of you.

On the desk, to the left, you noticed the 'mission report' of three years ago. Scoffing at that you ignored it and continued onwards, taking out any of Eveline's little friends along the way until you came across a room that had some weird picture puzzle. Figuring it out you noticed the small box that had now unlocked, inside were a few bottles of corrosive taking them you knew that it would be clearly needed on your mission.

Though since you didn't have a gun at the moment you used the few explosives you had to help you out but usually by the time they would go off you'd be out of there and down the hall or just in another room searching around to see if anything was left behind, or if there was anything else you may or may not need...just anything at this point really.

Going into room after room there was one that you had to use one of the bottles of corrosive on it, inside the room was rather well jumbled up with stuff all around. On the desk for some reason was the Captain's Cabin locker key. There you could get a gun finally and use the bullets you had made along the way.

Before you did anything else you knew you had to get to the Captain's Cabin and get that gun before going anywhere else, these things were easy to avoid on their own but you knew that if there were multiple of them around it would get even harder to go around considering you only had a few more explosives left.

By the time you got to the Captain's Cabin well you had only a few left, but thankfully you managed to get the gun inside that locker in time before switching to that instead and reloaded it up, smirking to yourself you knew you were fully equipped for this mission to finally be over and done with. But first Ethan's safety was the top priority. Heading off you jump down the entrance of the elevator and went back to the 2nd floor.

First, you were gonna search for the power cable that you needed for the elevator, which meant finally getting through that locked up the door, though after taking out one of Eveline's little friends before it could attack you used another corrosive bottle on the door and waited a short moment before the lock was melted and you could push was the same area you had left and was thrown off from the ship all those years ago.

'No time to relive old memories, gotta keep moving.' You thought.

Making your way through the place you later came across one of those large shitty ass things that loved to puke up whatever the hell it was on its victims and for this fucker you used what was left of your explosives around the room leading in a few places before rolling off to the side whenever it decided to puke up at you. In the meantime you at times would lessen the power cable from its place any chance you had got, soon as they were in your hand you headed back for the elevator.

Once inside you took the short moment to yourself to twist in the power cable in the right spot, making sure it was tightly in. Now all you needed was the fuse for the elevator to be completely operational, with that done you slipped through the bottom of the elevator and down to the first floor. At the door, with the fuse you grabbed it out of where it was placed before and first before going back looked around for more supplies picking them up along the way as well as taking out any of the molded around you.

After your little search around you quickly leaped back up onto the elevator and for a split moment decided to take a short but really quick break as you sat there catching your breath. Once your let yourself rest a bit you then placed the fuse inside the little fuse box and not long after the elevator was finally operational. Pressing the button for the bottom level you quickly reloaded your gun even if there weren't many bullets used, placed your knife where you could easily grab it if needed.

Finally, you were gonna be able to save your husband, and hopefully, you were gonna get both of you out of there while still hoping for Chris to make it on time. This time around.

"He's waiting..." Eveline's voice rang through the ship.

Ignoring her you still continued forwards, you ran into a few of the molded but it wasn't much of an issue at all to deal with them later finding a few more explosives along the way. Those you decided to once again use for the larger molded freaks and dealt with the smaller ones with just a ray of bullets sent towards them.

You didn't stop for a second to quickly get to Ethan, it wasn't until you finally got through the doors of the room Ethan was held up in that you confronted Eveline once more.

"I need you to do something for me," Eveline tells you.

When she disappeared you realized that you might still be infected with whatever was around the place, closing your eyes for a moment you knew what you had to had to get Ethan out of here before things got even worse for the both of you.

"Ethan..." You muttered.

Ashes - Resident Evil 7 [Ethan Winters x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now