Taehyung- Uhh! Y/n h-how can I w-wear t-that in interview. 

Y/n- Why just now you said right that 'anything will look good on you If I choose it'. (smirk)

Taehyung- I-I-I was just......

Y/n- What happened why can't you answer now. come on wear it come. (sassy)

Taehyung- I am sorry

Y/n- -_-

Y/n- Here take this


Taehyung- Are you going to help me?

Y/n- Mr.Kim I think you are old enough to wear your outfit by yourself. (cold)

Taehyung- Okay! (cutely angry)

Taehyung- Okay! (cutely angry)

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After BTS was done they went to Interview and as we are there secret bodyguards, we went with them as staff members to see If anything happens.



After Interview was done we were returning home till now there was no danger at all but somewhere, I am having a bad feeling that something is going to happen.


 We all were sitting peacefully in our car, which is provided to us by company, while Y/n is driving suddenly she turn her car towards other direction and we didn't got why she did it so, I asked her.


Bora- Y/n, why did you turn our car towards this direction BTS is going that side

Y/n- Look towards your side

All of them look at side.

Me-Cha- Ohh Shit!

Mi-Hi- They are BTS enemies.

Ari- and they have gun in there hands 

Y/n- Yes, and there target is BTS and right now, I turned our car this side so that they can't target BTS.

Ji-Ho- but how are we going to stop them, we can't reveal our identity this early or everything will go in waste

Y/n- Don't worry! Do-yun call their manager and keep the phone on speaker

Do-Yun- Okay


Manager- Hello

Do-Yun- Hello manager pls talk to Y/n

Y/n- Manager, listen fast tell BTS driver to change their direction of going to company

Manager- But why?

Y/n- There are some people who have guns and they are going to attack BTS but as we are in middle they can't do anything ,so before that we need to change their direction, tell them to change only when I order to okay?

Manager- Okay, I will tell the driver to change the route when you tell me

Y/n- Okay, be on call and by other phone call the driver and keep him on line

Manger- Okay

Y/n- Girls, wear your bullet proof jacket right now and don't forget your mask too, Bora take everyone guns and pass them. (calm and cold)

Bora- Okay!

(After changing) 

Y/n- Okay, manager now

Manager- Driver change now!


As we were going to company, the driver suddenly change the direction to other side. We got scared that what If he is a enemy driver. So we called the manager and Manager told us that Team Dark has told the driver to change the road and the reason was that, that are enemy were going to shoot us! We got scared but then the manager told us that there is no need to worry because Team Dark will handle it, we still somewhere where scared that what If something happens to our girls, we were just praying that nothing should happen to them.


Enemy 1- As we were going to shoot BTS, a car came in between them and we can't shoot that car now we need to wait until that car goes

Enemy 2- That car is just not moving, what should we do now, we can't lose such a golden chance

Enemy 1- We need to wait! because our members can also be there in that car we can't afford to lose them

Enemy 2- Uhhh! (frustrated)

Enemy 1- Yes, they are moving!

Enemy 1- let me set my gun

Enemy 2- Wait! BTS car change their direction

Enemy 1- Huh?

Enemy 1- Why would they do that their building is on this side

Enemy 2- There is another road to go to company

Enemy 1- Uhhhhhh!!!!!! (Angry) we loss them this time also, now boss will surely scold us!

Enemy 2- Now, let's go

?????- Not so early!

Magic(Author)- what do you think what would have happened ahead? and who is that mysterious person who dare to stop the enemy? tell me in comments, don't be a silent reader.

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