Though after one or two people came across us, I couldn't feel but stressed of how I looked; how we looked. Dirty and tired, I myself with only Leonel's flannel on. All of my bloody shins revealed to the whole world, "Should we go change first?"

I mumbled suddenly very uncomfortable, avoiding every warrior's gaze that landed on me.

"You can go ahead; I'll get us something."

Leonel said, letting go of my hand with a tug on my shirt's hem. I shook my head to him, not really keen on that idea either, "No, no. Let's just. . . Then go."

I couldn't let him go alone, jesus christ. He was the one hurt here, and I simply scared of what people thought about my bare skin. Leonel sighed quietly, wrapping his healthy arm around my waist. I knew that we had a lot to talk about once again, but right now I couldn't bring myself to it.

There was the mating, the 'are you okay' and the 'what now' question. I circled my hands around my torso, awkwardly walking beside the other male as I dove to my thoughts.

I felt like everything was just a big mess inside my head, the last days' events feeling like they never happened, or they did, but a long time ago. My relationship with Leonel had changed, the whole dynamic between us now something unfamiliar. I didn't really know how to deal with it or what he wanted from the future.

Though he didn't seem odd about touching me affectionately while being public; so maybe he would actually keep his words. Words of me not simply being some temporary rag that he liked to use here and there, that he did like me on other levels too than just the sexual. That I would be only his, and he would only be mine.

It seemed like a dream, though I wanted to hold on to that dream, no matter what my brains screamed at me.

We walked to the dinery that was filled with people, I pressing my body a little closer to the other's. At some point Leonel had insisted that he carried his own backpack, so now I didn't even have it on me. With a knife I could feel better, but I didn't have pockets where to hide them.

"What would you want?" Leonel asked from me with a dull voice, his tired frame stopping to the servings. I watched the foods with similar exhaustion, not really even capable of deciding what would be good. The male inched himself behind me to keep me in the safety of his own large frame, though I didn't even pay attention to it.

"Bread, that quark thing with strawberries and those cookies" I muttered to the other, him searching a grey tray where to put all the requested things. He went for the quark, though couldn't pour it into mugs; frustration evident on his face. He couldn't use his other hand that much, making a mess of everything.

"Wait, I can—"

"No." He stated, moving from behind me to next to me. He lowered the tray down with a pained cringe, making me frown in annoyance. He didn't know how to receive help; or how to ask for it.

Watching the process was agonizing, but luckily, he got the job done with enough slow movements. Though I'm certain that he used way too much of his energy on the simple thing I could've done for us. But I decided to stay quiet about that, instead asking, "What do you want?"

Leonel glanced at me from the side of his eye, taking in the foods in front of him, "I like avocado and pasta."

He muttered between his teeth like someone would be pointing his head with a gun, making a small smile appear on my lips. My gaze searched the ones quickly, starting to put large amounts of pasta and avocado to a plate before he could even bat his eyes to me. I knew that he would've liked to get it himself, but I wasn't going to just stand and watch either.

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