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Vanny x Male!Reader

requested by: riggsaidan sorry this took me SOO LONG I hope you enjoy it ^~ ^

Another afternoon going to the Pizza Plex just to fetch my little brother. Due to our parent's busy schedules, this is a part of my daily routine, and being a big brother is also a big deal. Doing morning tasks such as making our breakfast, ensuring that my brother had his school materials and assignments inside his bag, rushing my schoolwork when it was not completed, giving my brother a bath, and providing him a ride to school. After that, there is a slew of more. In a sense, I'm a male wife who is a college student.

Back to my present state of mind inside the plex, I was in search of my brother on rockstar row. He is always drawn to these locations since his favorite animatronic can be seen in their glass chambers. There he was, in front of Monty's room. Well, he said he wants to learn how to play the bass so it makes sense why he likes Montgomery.

"Hey, there little guy." I gave him a quick hug behind the back as he yelped in response.

"Bro! You're back!" He giggles and tried to get out of my grip. Our moment was cut short as a security woman called my attention.

"Hello there, Sir. May I ask your name and the reason why you failed to pick up your child 5 minutes late?" My jaw drops open in amazement. I was late to pick up my younger brother for the first time and didn't realize it, which made me feel guilty. As I stated that I had stopped by a store and didn't mind checking the time, I let out a sigh. The excuse may not have pleased her, but it did serve as a first warning.

"Ok Sir (Y/n), make sure to fetch this sweet boy on time." She murmured this as she went about her guard responsibilities.

"It's fine to be late once, big bro! Because I know you won't leave me." This made me laugh as we walked out of the plex, both telling jokes and playing a game of 'eye spy' on our way to the car.


While my younger brother struggled to untangle himself from his seat belt, I parked the car in the garage. I laughed and extended my hand to the small boy. "Thank you!" He said in glee as he ran inside the house with his bag. When I got out of the plex with my brother, I had the feeling that something was missing, but I shrugged it off when the doorbell rang.

"Coming" I hurriedly answered the door and was surprised to see our parents face to face.

"Hello (Y/n)!" Mother murmured as she hugged me tightly, and my father simply patted me on the head with his normal grin on his face.

"Mommy! Daddy!"My little brother's voice could be heard coming down the house's corridor to the front entrance. My mother wanted to cook for supper as our father bonded with both me and my brother, so I finally get to take a small break for the day. As the night goes smoothly on the table with laughter and smiles, a phone call coming from my bag interrupted our moment. Signing and excusing myself, I answered the call.


"Is this (Y/N) (L/N)?" The other line asked. Her voice sounds familiar for some reason...

"Yes, can I help you?"

"You left your drawing plate in the plex, would you like to claim it here now or tomorrow?"

"Oh, forgive me I'll get it there within 20 minutes, is that fine...Vanessa?"

"20 minutes it is here in the lost and found department."

After she hung up, I cursed at myself for being careless yet thanked myself for leaving it due to having a small stroll out of the house for fresh air. I'm not saying I hate to be with my parents I just want to know more about Vanessa.

(time skip cause why not)

The Pizza plex is currently empty which gave me the chills because of the robots all around additional to that, the corridors going to the lost and found department is starting to irritate me.

I muttered as I made a second left turn, "why can't she just meet me outside," and there, on the door, was a sign that read, "Lost and Found Department." I grinned at this and went to knock on the door. Vanessa greeted me and gave me my pallet, as I had anticipated. I quickly thanked her and walked away. I felt slightly lightheaded as I made my way far from the department. I simply brushed it off and continued to the exit door. Suddenly, the lights started to flicker and I made a vision of a bunny mascot in front of me. I started to run off but a cuff was already chained around my wrist. Trying to free myself out of the situation, I felt my pants were not on me anymore. 

"You psychotic mascot let me go!" I demanded as to intimidate her but to no avail. She welcomed herself in my personal space where she then was taking off my boxers then teasing the tip of my dick. Doing my best to force myself out of the pleasure, she then started to move her hands then sucked it inside her mouth.

"Oh (Y/n), don't cum yet~" her voice was familiar yet I can't pinpoint it. From thinking who that voice belong to, I felt a heavy weight and tight pressure around my dick and that's where I realize everything. I AM BEING RAPED! (a/n: come on men get raped too BUT NOT THAT OFTEN)

"For the love of- Ah- H~ey" I can't seem to find my words since they were shy to form from the intimacy the room had filled. Her ass bouncing on my dick, hands on my thighs, her voice. God I could happily die.

"(Y/n)! Cum inside of me" Hips started to move faster and this then brought me to the edge - I came on her insides which gave me a bliss  of the moment. From that last drop of seed in her, I then blacked out and there ended that encounter.


Y/n was driven home by Vanessa but not before cleaning things up and dressing him to be presentable to his parents. Y/n's parents were thrilled to have their unconscious son home by a simple and humble security guard. or was it only that...

Note:  Thank you so much for being patient readers! Geez to be honest I just have many school works I can't focus on doing this book so yeah, it will take time for me to update. 

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