LEMON Sundrop

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Sun and Moon

Requested by: Ruvyzvat_

Note: I may add characters, not from the game (oc to be specific) and Sundrop MIGHT not be animatronic for once here 😅 Have fun!

Signs: 😚 Fluff - 😘 Lemon

(Y/n)'s Perspective


  "(Y/n)! Would you mind checking on Sundrop? Vanessa has her unexpected day off..." The 4 foot 11 women requested while she was fixing Chica's voicebox. A smile crept on my face as I questioned her on what to do, she got up then gave me a blueprint.

     "Malaya, what's this?" I raised a brow, opening the blueprint.

      "Well, just so you know... The boss asked me to change the lights at the daycare... And... I guess something is going to happen" The quilt was on her face yet she kept it formally. This gave me a lot of questions raising in my head, what kind of lights is she talking about? Can it affect Sun and Moon's performance? Are the lights just simply switched or have something to do with-

     "Hello! Earth to Kuya (Y/n)!" She called as she give me a soft punch on the shoulder to pull me back.

     "How long was I..." Both of my eyes looked away from her due to embarrassment for spacing out while she gives instructions.

      "A good minute. Look, I know what you're thinking but I want you to check on them, alright?" Her palms were on my back slowly pushing me out the door.

     "Instructions are; one, keep them company, two, observe if they both are fine, then three, I packed you a midnight snack there." Her voice chimed. Malaya's mother figure always gets me to chuckle. "Alright, alright, copy that, Mom." At the end of my sentence, I emphasized the last word.

     "Pst! Now go to work," she giggled then walked away "use the Fazwatch!" Malaya's figure started to grow small and I hooked my security badge out of my pocket to enter the daycare. A sound of confirmation for the lock opened the door and as to my surprise, the lights were dim.

     "Huh, are they both-" My sentence was cut off from a hug behind me. Facing to the side to see whoever was hugging me, it was Sun!

     "Heyah, (Y/n)! How are you doing my sunbite? What brings you here today? Are we going to have a slumber party?" All the questions he was asking fast, I can't respond but laugh. The lights didn't affect his energetic self, that's good.

     "Hey there, Sunrise! I'll be keeping you company along with moon since the lights were changed." Speaking of the moon, is he also supposed to be talking using the other half of Sun?

     "Oh, that's wonderful, Sunbeam! Hey Moon, did you hear that? (Y/n) will keep us company!" My eyes are glued to Moon's half then I saw movement. "Yes, I hear that the boy will." Holy - They both can possess the same body now?

      Taking my mind out of surprise, I wanted to try something with Sun and Moon.

     "Oh, Sundrop, can you stick your hand together and make sure your fingers are entwined." I requested.

     Both of them seemed uncertain about it but, they still obeyed me otherwise. I chuckled and requested them one last time, "now, put a set of fingers up." Sun smiled and did it. A smirk was drawn on my lips and I quickly intertwined my fingers to his and swiftly but surely pinned him down on the ground.

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