*knock knock knock*

The two friends go quiet and Soobin gives a warning look in response to his friend's playful grin.

"Come in."

"Yes, thank you Arin." the pureblood speaks up. In comes his maid and the common vampire following after her. Wow... Soobin thinks to himself, but keeps his cool as the yellow head bows and introduces himself.

After introductions, Soobin dismisses Arin to leave and offers Yeonjun a seat. The conversation between Soobin and Yeonjun seemed to be going good (Taehyun was just kinda off to the side in his own world playing on his phone); very stiff, but Yeonjun seemed polite so it was fine all in all. When Soobin brought up that he'll be hiring him to become his tutor though...

"Excuse me? Tutor? For you?!"

Soobin was caught off guard by the sudden change in Yeonjuns voice. "Yes, is that a problem?" the pureblood says dumbfounded. Looking over at the comotion Taehyun sniggers and Soobin shoots him a glance.


"You're the top of your class, no?" really working the innocent, wide-eyed bunny look, "And I hear you like math and science, and those just so happen to be my worst subjects, so I don't see the issue."

Yeonjun's jaw drops, not even trying to hide the shock.

"B-b-but, you're a pureblood. You want my help?"

"Ya," Taehyun says defensively, "not all purebloods are as smart at Namjoon-hyung; some can even be considered quite du–" Soobin jabs a hard elbow into Taehyuns side, face unchanged from his innocent bunny-like expression, the friend grunts at the sudden jab. Don't embarrass me, Taehyun hears Soobin yell in his head, or I'll call Kai and tell him you want extra cuddles and belly pats tonight! Taehyun straightens up and gives a little cough.

"My older brother has been nagging me about getting a tutor so running into an honors student the other day must have been fate~"

You called that "running into me"? Thinks Yeonjun.

"You'll be paid, of course, and we'll be sure to write you a recommendation letter to any colleges of your choosing."

"How much?" Yeonjun questions. Taehyun raises his eyebrows at the lack of formality and peeks over at Soobin who is entertainingly writing something down on a piece of paper, then slides it across the table to Yeonjun. The yellow head flips it over and eyes go wide.

"...fine..." like I could have said no anyways, at least it'll be worthwhile.

Soobin, with a pleased look on his face, nods in agreement. "Great! You can start Monday. Come by around the same time as tonight."



A frustrated Jimin is looking down at Soobin, whose head was resting on his hands and eyes closed.

"Ah, sorry hyung. I didn't get much sleep today...Can I go to the bathroom?"

"*sigh* Yes, sure, go ahead."

Taking advantage of the teacher's attention being on Soobin, Taehyun checks his phone.


Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Taehyun's chest goes warm and he smiles to himself.

"What's with the rosy cheeks?" Kai whispers over to his friend.

"My cheeks aren't rosy!"

"YA. I can hear you guys talking over there." Jimin warns the two boys and they sit up straight while Taehyun shoves his phone under his leg.

The boys carry on with their normal night of lessons, the trio making more fun than usual due to their reunion since the short break. Huening Kai noticed that the two others were spacing out more easily than usual.

Geez, the tall blond boy thought to himself as he noticed Taehyun in la la land with stars in his eyes for the umpteenth time, how much really changed while I was gone? I'll be sure to do some serious questioning later...

To Be Continued...

Hello! Again, thank you so much for reading! This is the first story I've written and, as I said before, I'm having a lot of fun writing this so I hope you'll stick with me through this wild tale. Sorry about the short chapter, think of it as making up for the next one though because sh*t about to go down *_*

After I release a few more of these shorter chapter I plan to update weekly with longer ones, I already have the next bit of stuff written/planned out. Again, thank you so much for reading and please continue along this journey with me and these lovely adaptations of the bad bitches we all know and love called TXT!

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