Saturday: A Vampire's "Relaxing" Day

Start from the beginning

"I said, I got 'invited'," Yeonjun emphasizes in a sarcastic tone, "to the Moa Estate."

Yeonjun explains to his parents the events of yesterday evening; how Sunoo got pushed and scraped his knee, Niki got upset but Yeonjun stepped in before things got serious, and how two powerful vampires had their eyes on him the whole time.

The mother and father sit for a few moments of silence, exchanging glances back and forth.

"Ok!" the mother suddenly blurts out, "It's going to be fine, we are going to be fine. Let's get you ready!" the father nods in agreement and Yeonjun's eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

An hour goes by and the young vampire is staring at himself in the mirror; his yellow hair in a side part partially slicked back, Yeonjun sees himself in black pants with a balck mid-sleeve leather jacket, a white shirt underneath, a black belt at his waist, and black leather loafers.

"Just because we're 'Common Vampires' doesn't mean we don't clean up well!" the mother says pridefully, admiring her work. "Now, as I've been telling you–"

"Yes, yes, I know mom, no sassing the 'royal family'."

The mom sighs and tries to hide the worry on her face.

"You know," the dad begins, "this could be really good for the family; for you. If this 'meeting'-thing goes well, you start making good connections–oh come on what's with that face? What I'm saying is important!"

Yeonjun recoils at the thought of getting buddy-buddy with any of those privileged pricks.

"Son, I understand what happened years ago is hard to deal with but-" suddenly, the family stops their bickering as they hear a car stop in front of their house. Based on the time and presence of the vehicle, Yeonjun knows that car is meant for him. He looks at his parents.

"Ok honey, be safe," the mother begins as she brings her son in for a hug, "and don't say anything stupid." she hisses, sending a small chill down Yeonjuns spine. He nods in worry and turns to his father, who pulls him in for a tight hug as well.

"We'll be at work by the time you get home so just make sure you lock up and go to sleep easily, we'll talk tomorrow."

Yeonjun opens the front door and sees a slick black car waiting in front of his house. Nodding to himself, he gives himself a small boost of encouragement and walks to the car. The driver steps out and opens the door for the yellow head. Closing Yeonjuns door and getting back into his seat, the car heads off to the Moa Estate, the nerves in Yeonjun's body rising for what's about to come. I swear, if this adds any crazy changes to my happy peaceful life... the young vampire scorns to himself, as he mindlessly watches the scenery zoom by.

After about 15 minutes of driving through the city, the scenery begins to change to a more rural-like view. There are less and less city lights to brighten the night but out here, oh wow, the stars... the young vampire notices. He looks past the car and sees a small, dimly glowing shape in the distance. The car weaves through the grounds, the shape defines the mansion.

They pull right up to the front entrance and the driver opens the door and Yeonjun steps out. Various shades of white and gray stone with tasteful black linings that accent the different layers makes up a beautiful european styled mansion.

Huh, only one story? It is pretty damn big though.

He walks up the marble steps where a, who he assumes based on the plain looking uniform, servant or maid is waiting to greet him and take him to the host. Gawking at the grand, marvelous room as he steps through the double doors, he pulls himself away as he follows the lady through the mansion; passing through hallways with entrances to many rooms and goes down several flights on a grand spiral staircase. Doing the math, he realizes that the 'one-floor-mansion' shown at the surface really has at least two or three other floors below ground. Taking a sudden turn, the female vampire leads them through an entrance into, ugh another hallway– but Yeonjuns thoughts are cut short as he senses a familiar presence towards the end of the hall.

They reach one of the last doors of the hall and the servant knocks.

"Shh! Taehyun!" Yeonjun hears in a harsh whisper and a slight chuckle, then in a more serious tone, "Come in."

The servant opens the door, walks in, and steps aside giving way for Yeonjun to follow in after.

"Yes, thank you Arin."

The servant named Arin bows and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Yeonjun turns his head and sees two vampires sitting in some chairs near the corner of the room. One with sleeked back silver hair in black pants and an oversized white sweater sits on the arm of the chair with the pureblood in it. Shiny black hair dressed in a red-white-blue american style sweater with a yellow flannel and white shirt underneath put together with some black shorts made Yeonjun wonder if he was a little overdressed. Eh, I look good so what does it matter... Even so, Yeonjun couldn't help but feel at least a little nervous by their presence and the way the pureblood was staring back at him. In an attempt to come off as unphased, Yeonjun bows low and introduces himself. Here goes nothing...

"Hello, I'm Choi Yeonjun."

To Be Continued...

Hello! Thank you for reading! I really hope you like the story so far, I'm having a lot of fun writing this (writing FF is oddly therapeutic LOL) and I hope you stick with me on this because, as you can see, these handsome men are about to officially meet which means the ball is about to start rollin'. 

Just wanted to say that, because I'm so silly and forgot to add it, this story will involve romance between the ships and what not but this ain't a house of smut.  If that was what you're reading for, sorry but try to stick around for these wonderful men's journeys because oh boy do I have plans for this story.

Again, thank you for reading and see you next chapter!

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