'Relax, I'm not going to hurt you.' He said while walking towards me, making me back up against the wall in fear.

'Let me help you stop the bleeding George.' My eyes widened when he said my name. 

'H-h-how d-do you k-know my n-name?' I said barely below a whisper as he crouched down beside me, causing me to flinch.

'Just relax, I'm going to help you stop the bleeding.' He said while reaching out to take my arm but I flinched back from him.

He took my arm in his hand effortlessly despite my protest and took a look at my arm. I was too shocked to care about him holding my arm until he licked it with his tongue, sending tingles down my arm. I felt my cheeks heat up at his actions and I pulled my arm out of his grasp and clutched it close to me. He stood up and offered a hand to pull me up and I took his hand hesitantly and I saw that the bleeding had already stopped and is healing slowly. He picked me up in his arms and carried me out of the alleyway with me trying to get out of his grasp. 

'W-where are we going?' I asked him in a hushed voice while panicking in his arms, scared he was going to kill me. I stared at his mask while a calming sense washed over me as I relaxed in his arms slowly.

'Relax, I'm not going to kill you.' He said smoothly, I stopped struggling as my heartbeat slowly calmed down when I realized I was safe, for now. He carried me for another while and he stopped in front of a golden carriage and a human servant came to open the door to the carriage for him.

'Hello, Mr. Was Taken, where are you going on this lovely day?' The servant said while keeping his head down. 

'The castle.' He said coldly as the servant opened the door to the carriage. he put me down onto the seat and sat opposite of me. Anger boiled inside me at the sight of the human being forced into a servant or slave. It's just a way vampires show us how little power we actually have. 

Why didn't we fight back you ask?  We did, and it ended horribly. We had a great war between the humans and the vampires that ended in a few days because of the superspeed vampires had, they slaughtered every one of the soldiers and polices that tried to fight within seconds. and almost one quarter of the city was there, so there was a lot of people. They would've killed all of us but they offered us a "peace treaty" that guaranteed our safety but we had to let them rule. We had to agree to the treaty since we had no other choice.

'What are you thinking about, George?' He asked me, making me tense up and look at him cautiously. He had taken off his mask, so I took a good look at him. He had a sharp jawline, emerald green eyes and blond bangs falling in front of his face, covering part of his right eye. His fangs poking out of his mouth as he smiled at me creepily. He was actually very good looking even though vampires are naturally more perfect than humans, he is still considered very handsome.

'Come here, George.' He said while patting the space beside him. I didn't want to sit next to him, a vampire, so I just sat there opposite of him, not knowing what to do. He sighed and before I could react, he used his super speed to reach out and pull me towards him. I stumbled towards him and fell into his lap, clinging onto his shirt as I almost fell down. I lifted my head to glare at him and found him staring at me with an amusing smile. he pulled me up without effort and placed me in his lap, his head resting on top of mines due to our height difference. 

'Oh George~' He cooed in my ear quietly, making my cheeks heat up as he wrapped both his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. 'What's wrong?' He asked me, whispering in my ear while his lips caressed my ear, making my face even hotter. 

'W-whats your n-name?' I asked quietly.

'You can call me Dream.' He said, still whispering into my ear. Dream's arms tightened around me as I tried to squirm out of his grasp. His grip kept on tightening as I unsuccessfully kept squirming out of his grip. 

'George.' He said, making me freeze, his once soft tone is replaced with a voice laced with danger, which was my cue to stop trying to escape. He put his head on my shoulder and inhaled deeply, taking in my scent and making me shiver. I heard him chuckle darkly at my reaction and I took a shaky breath and squeezed my eyes shut. 

'Oh, George, I'm barely doing anything to you and you're reacting like this. If only you knew what I have in store for you...' He chuckled darkly again when he finished talking, I felt my breath hitch and his words sending shivers down my spine.

'Y-you're planning to k-keep me?' I whispered shakily, and I felt him chuckle and exhale.

'Of course, why wouldn't I keep such a cute little human?' He asked rhetorically, making me blush again. I just wish the ride would end soon so I wouldn't be in this awkward position with him anymore.

Longggggggggggggggg chapter lets go :D

please vote, luv y'all <3

word count: 1576 words 

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