For a few moments nothing happens and then guns shots and yelling can be heard. Yelling...wait I know those No I couldn't be...could it? Once it quietens down a bit I can hear people one the others side of the door, I want to scream, tell them I'm here but I don't have the strength, but then I hear the door bust open.

"OH MY GOD baby!" I hear someone...not just anyone I hear Lorenzo. I open my eyes weakly and see all my brothers excluding Luke. "Enzo! Get me down! Get me down please." I scream at him letting the tears stream down my face.

Nico and Romeo go to the chain and lower me down to Enzo who holds me in his arms. We are sitting on the floor as the others attempt to get the cuffs and chains off my wrists. Enzo just lets me sob into his chest as he runs his fingers through me messy hair.

"It's okay baby girl, I've got you now. You're going to be okay. I promise you." He continues to assure me. "Hurry up guys get those off her!" I hear Dante say. "We're trying but we don't have the key!" Nico says. "Use the bolt cutters from the car." Romeo says. Moments later Dante returns with bolt cutters. "Bambina we need you to turn so we can cut the chains." I hear Aurelio say. I groan in response in too much pain.

"I know you hurt baby but we gotta be these off you so we can help you." Enzo says to me. "Ready. 1...2...3" on three Aurelio and Enzo move me to the side as I let out a scream and start to cry again. Romeo cuts the cuffs and chain.

I am lifted from Enzo and now I'm resting my head on Romeo's should as he holds me against him gently but securely not to hurt me. "Luke." I whisper loud enough for Romeo to hear. "He's with dad baby, they are taking him to the hospital along with the others. Lukas told us where you were, to get you." He explains.

Romeo's pov:

I make my way out to the car, followed by the rest of my siblings. My baby sister has her legs wrapped around me and her head on my shoulder. She is so weak, but so strong. Those bastards are gonna pay for what they did to her and Lukas.

I'm now sitting in the back seat with Marina in my arms. Lorenzo is driving and Nico is sitting next to him, with Aurelio and Dante in the back with me and Marina. "It's gonna be okay I promise. You'll see everyone at the hospital." I try to assure her but this information only seems to work he up more.

"No! I don't wanna go to the hospital." She says scared. "Princess you have to go to the hospital. It gonna be okay. I promise." She starts to cry again. 'Shit.'

"Hey baby, I won't leave your side, I'll stay with you the whole time." I say hopefully to calm he down. "Promise?" She whispers in my ear. "Yes my love. I promise you. I won't leave your side."


We get to our hospital and I carry Marina inside and to the elevator and up to our private floor to meet the others. I'm surprised Marina hasn't passed out yet considering the extent on her injuries. She just lays her head in my should with her eyes big and wide staring and Lorenzo beside me.

Finally the elevator opens and I see father pacing around with the other two families. He finally spots us and runs over. "How is she? Is she okay?" He asks. "She's in shock and he injuries are not good." Then the doctor comes over to us.

"Please bring her to room 6." The doctor says. I can feel Marina's arms tighten around my neck. I set her down on the bed and the doctors immediately begin to work. They gave her a sedative but I never broke my promise, I never left her side.

Marco's pov:

I've been pacing around the floor for two hours now. Lukas has a broken ankle, whip marks on his back, cuts on his stomach and face that need stitches, and bruises everywhere. But he will be okay.

The doctor is still with Marina so is my oldest Romeo, he won't leave her. "She is going to be okay. She's strong and a fighter." Adam Stone my dear friend says. His son woke up thankfully, he is in about the same condition and my son. "Yeah she is strong, I just want to hold my bambina."

As I say this the doctor finally comes out of her room. "How is she?" Is say followed by me boys. "Well I'm not going to lie, it's not good. Deep lacerations on the back and stomach, three cracked ribs, a burn on her stomach, dislocated shoulder, broken wrist and bruising to the face and body." Doctor Mae explains her condition and I can feel my heart shattering.

"Is she awake?"
"Is she going to be alright?"
"Can we see her?"
"When can she leave the hospital?"
My boys start throwing questions at her.

"Enough. All of you." I say and turn to Doctor Mae. "Can we go see her?" I ask.

"Yes you may go see her. She is asleep she will be until morning. She is going to be okay. You can take both Lukas and Marina home tomorrow night." Mae says.

"That soon?! They were just tortured and they can go home tomorrow!" Lorenzo says angrily.

"Yes they will have a good nights sleep here and their wounds have been tended to. I'll get their medicines together that they will need for when you leave tomorrow. Why don't you all go sit with the twins? There is not much more that can be done tonight."

'My poor babies.'


Hey everyone,
I've been very sick lately. This chapter is probably not the best but I wanted to write something for you guys.

I hope you enjoy.
I'm also kinda making it up as I go.
Let me know if you're enjoying it so far.

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