"Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change, if perfect's what you're looking for, then please just stay the same"

I opened the door to see Nathan stood in front of me, his phone pressed to his ear as he continued to sing down it, thick woolly jumper covering his torso, black skinny jeans on his legs, his hair a brown wavy mess atop his head. His fingers were curled around a small bouquet of pink and white roses.

"So, don't even bother asking if you look okay, you know I'll saaa-aaayyy-" he cut himself off as he opened his eyes and saw I'd opened the door, a large grin lighting up his face, "oh, hello"

I pulled the phone away from my ear and ended the call, having no need to still be connected to Nathan's phone when I had the real thing stood right in front of me. He lowered his own phone and tucked it away in his pocket.

"Hello" I replied.

"You know" Gabby began from behind me, "that old witch next door will come round in a minute complaining about the noise"

"Gabs, shut up" Chloe hissed quietly, "don't ruin the Nophie moment, I wanna see what he'll do next"

"Anyway" Nathan continued, ignoring my two flatmates, "just thought you'd like to wake up to my singing, I see you're up now so I guess I'll see you later" he shrugged, giving me a small wave before disappearing from sight as he presumably started to make his way back down the corridor.

"What?! What?!" Chloe exclaimed loudly, "That is not what is supposed to happen, Sykes!"

I folded my arms and leaned against the wooden door, just waiting...




"Nah, I'm only joking" Nathan grinned as he appeared back in the doorway, before wrapping his arms around me tightly and then his mouth was against mine. I smiled against his lips as my fingers clutched at the woolly fabric of his jumper, and if it hadn't been for Chloe's 'aww'ing, I would have forgotten my flatmates were even present.

"Aww, see, I knew he'd come back" I heard Chloe say.

"No, you didn't" Gabby argued.

"Look, they're so cute"

I giggled as Nathan squeezed me tighter and began to rock us from side to side, before ending the kiss but keeping his nose brushing mine.

"I love you" he whispered with a smile.

"I love you too" I whispered, "and I love your singing, but please God don't wake me up with it again"

He chuckled lightly, "even on Valentine's Day, you're still the grumpiest woman known to mankind before eleven AM"

"And even on Valentine's day, you're still as charming as ever" I replied sarcastically.

"Excuse me, Miss McKinnon, I serenaded you and brought you flowers" he tutted playfully, "you didn't even make the effort to put pants on"

I flared my nostrils in mock-annoyance, realising that I had only an oversized t-shirt and pair of knickers to cover my body.

"I would have made the effort" I scoffed, "had you done this after eleven AM"

"Do you not want the flowers then?" He asked with a raise of one of his large eyebrows, holding the bouquet up in front of my face.

""No, no" I said quickly, taking the roses from him, "I'll take them off your hands"

I admired them for a moment before my fingers pulled out the little card sticking out from between the roses. I opened it up to read a little note scribbled in Nathan's messy handwriting.

I know you can be a very grumpy lady sometimes so if you're in a bad mood with me for waking you up, just know that I love you anyway and I always will

Hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day with me

Nath xxx

I chuckled to myself, touched at how sweet yet honest he was, and also at how well he knows me.

"Are you happy now, Chloe?" Nathan asked her as I tucked the card back in between the flowers.

"No, I'm not" Chloe replied, ""kiss her again"

Nathan and I stared at her blankly, whilst Gabby put her arm around Chloe's shoulders.

"Chlo, come on, you're getting overexcited again" she sighed, leading Chloe into the kitchen.

"But they're so cute..." we heard her trail off as the two of them disappeared out of sight. Nathan smiled and shook his head.

"She never changes" he mused, before turning back to me, "and you, deep down you're still the same fourteen year old girl I fell in love with, aren't you?" he bent down a little, and before I could stop him, grabbed the backs of my thighs, lifting me up into his arms. I involuntarily released a small squeal and clutched at his shoulders whilst trying to not squash the pretty flowers.

"God" I groaned, "you know I hate it when you do that"

"No, you don't" he grinned knowingly and I couldn't really argue so instead, I dipped my head down and pressed my lips softly against his.

"Happy Valentine's day" he smiled, pushing his lips back to meet mine again.

Hope you liked it, vote, comment, fan, etc, if you did :)

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