77. A new home

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Peters POV

It was our one year today and I had to make it special, it's crazy to think about everything we've been through together in the last year but every year is like this for the rest of our lives id still consider myself the luckiest man in the universe.

Mr stark wouldn't let us go back to the city so we where stuck here in the cabin which was fine since it was cozy and warm and we had the fire on most of the time but I missed being in the city and being Spider-Man but me stark assured me the city was still standing without me, he told me that I should treat this as my vacation and that we probably won't be able to move back to the city until after New Years. (Y/n) suggested we moved in together but her dad was still reluctant to letting us live together, he was fine with us staying together but I don't think he's ready to let us move in together, but we'd be 18 soon so we could do with our own place to be adults.

"Happy one year darling" I smiled as she rolled over Into the pillow.

"Peter what time is it?" She asks sleepily.

"Eleven" I tell her.

"To early" she pulls the cover above her head curling up against my side.

"Good thing we have no school so we can just lay here for as long as you like" I stroke her hair out of her face, she looked beautiful I loved waking up next to her every morning.

"Peter why are you staring at me" she said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yeah no no I'm not staring at you I'm um just staring at the duvet you know" I awkwardly laugh and I hear (y/n) laugh from beside me.

"Youre to adorable" she smiled.

"Thanks" I say and she rolls over so she's laying on my chest. "Whatcha doing" I asked.

"It's cold and you warm so we be warm together" she said wrapping her arms around me.

"Okay" I say pulling the duvet above her. It was cold in here, the house didn't have fully working heating since it was old so there was a fire place in the living room that heated most of the house up. "Better?"



"I think we should get a cat when we move in together" she says smiling up at me.

"What type of cat?"

"A cute fluffy one"

"Yeah but what if it gets lonely?"

"We get two cats then" I smile.

"I can't wait to buy a place with you" she smiled and I placed a kiss on her head.

"So we can do this all day?" I grin flipping us over so she was laying underneath me, she wrapped her legs around my waist as I pressed myself against her.

"Definitely this" she smiled moving her hands to the edge of my t-shirt and slowly lifting it up, her fingers where really cold.

"Your hands are freezing" I say and she laughs.

"Sorry" she quickly apologised and moves her hands away but I grab them and bring them in mine.

"Peter (y/n) we are going shopping do you want anything?" Mr stark said opening the door and I quickly jumped off of her and accidentally falling onto the floor.

"Peter!?" (Y/n) said sliding to the end of the bed.

"Watcha doing down there?" Mr stark asked.

"Fell off the bed" i said and standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

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