40. 5 years later

368 5 1

5 years later

Tony's POV

I wish i was around more. It took her death for me to realise how much I was hardly around.

"Dad?" Morgan runs up to me as I was sat downstairs in my basement or workshop.

"Hey sweetie" I smile and she jumps into my arms. "Why aren't you asleep?" I ask. It was well past her bedtime.

The avengers who didn't blip away had visited me earlier to tell me there may be a way to bring everyone back, but I couldn't risk what I gained from the blip, I had another daughter and was married to pepper. It was weird not having (y/n) and peter running around, I even missed seeing them constantly kissing on the couch. I just wish they where still here.

"I couldn't sleep" she smiles.

"Okay want to go upstairs and read a story?"

"Can we have juice boxes?"

"Of course we can have juice boxes" I smile and take her upstairs.

I sit her in her bed comfortably while we drink juice boxes.

"What story do you want to hear?"

"I want you to tell me about the girl and boy in the photos" she says meaning (y/n) and peter.

"That's (y/n) and peter, (y/n) was my other daughter making her your sister" I tell her and feel the not in my  throat tighten, I don't normally speak about them even though it's been so long.

"What happened to them?"

"They had to go away" I tell her, I have a tiny hope theres still a chance for them.

"Where They boyfriend and girlfriend?" Morgan asks and I laugh.

"Yeah, they hid it from me for ages, I found out by seeing them kiss"

"Ew" Morgan sticks her tongue out.

"Yep, they where constantly together, inseparable actually"

"I wish I had met them" Morgan sighs and leans onto her pillow.

"I wish they had met you" I kiss her forehead and she falls asleep, I switch her light of and close the door.

I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I move some of the glasses and find the picture of Peter and (y/n) Morgan was speaking about.

The not in my throat got worse. I'd give anything for them to still be here, I wish things had gone differently.

"Tony?" Pepper walks behind and places her hand on my shoulder.

"I wish I could bring them back" I say and wipe a tear that had fallen.

- - -

We had gotten all the infinity stones again, but we had lost natasha.

Now we just had to bring them back.

Armies of aliens began to arrive and I blasted all the ones close to me away.

So much was happening. Blasts everywhere. And cries of the dead.

"Hi" a familiar voice I hadn't heard in such a long time says from behind me.

"(Y/n)?" I ask and slowly turn around to see the face I've missed so much smiling at me.

"It's me, IM BACK BITCHES" she screams and a blast goes of around us wiping out all the aliens within a yard.

"Language" steve shouts.

"I've got so much to tell you but it can wait till later" I tell her and we get back to fighting.

(Y/n) POV

I came through one of the portals doctor strange made and teleported straight over to my dad. I had looked everywhere for Nat or peter but they weren't there.

"(Y/N)!" Peter shouts and I look in the air to find him swinging above me. "Catch this" he says and throws a gauntlet down.

"Where shall I take it?" I ask.

"Take it to Tony" Thor says and his eyes begin to glow and lighting forms around us.

"Okay" I look around for my dad to teleport over to him but suddenly something knocks me onto my side and into the dirt.

"Wanda take this" I say and throw it to her and she nods.


I look down to my side and notice there's a large alien looking dagger sticking out the side. that's messy. I pull it out even tho I shouldn't, and get back up to my feet and limp over in pain.

"You okay kid?" Bucky asks.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" I tell him before teleporting to my dads side, wanda throws the gauntlet back and I catch it and put it on my arm.

"No" my dad says. "Don't do this (y/n), I'm not losing you again"

"It's fine I can do this, I'm stronger than you" I say and click my finger and everything goes silent and I collapse to the ground and my brain goes fuzzy.

"(Y/n)!" I hear peter scream and lands next to me. "Don't go, stay with me please just stay with me" he sobs and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Peter" I say and my voice begins to go.

"Hold on, stay with me" he sobs into my chest.

"I love you" I say and close my eyes.

Peters POV

"No no no no" I try shaking her lifeless body in hopes she wakes up. "Wake up, please just wake up, it can't be over yet" I cry.

"Peter" mr stark places a hand on my shoulder.

"No!" I scream. Everything feels numb.

"She's gone" he says and I pull her into a hug. Please just hug back.

"No she can't go"

"Peter" he tries to pull me of her but my grip is to tight.

Maybe if I tried to do what they do in the movies it will bring her back. I place my lips on hers. My tears making her taste salty. I begin to feel her kiss back and I pull away to see her eyes slowly open.

"Omg that actually worked" I say in amazement and she gives me a smile. "I love you so so so so much" I say and stroke her hair out of her face.

"A true loves kiss" Bucky says and I turn around to see him teary eyed.

"Did it work?" She asks her dad.

"Yeah it did, you saved us" he says.

"Can we go home now?" She asks.

"Home is sort of destroyed"

I pick her up being careful of her side which was bleeding and also her hand that looked sore.

"What about the tower in New York?" She asks.

"Well we still have that" he says.

We all head back to the original tower and I place her down on one of the beds while Bruce tries to heel her wound on her hip. I held her good hand the entire time not leaving her side. I'm never leaving her side again.

"All good now, but take it easy" Bruce says and (y/n) jumps of the bed being careful of the bandage covering her rib and her arm that was in plaster.

I took her back to her bedroom for now before they fix her home.

"I thought I lost you" I say placing her on the bed.

"You will never lose me" she smiles.


"I promise" she says back and we both end up falling asleep.

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