19. The perfect tree

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"Where's Nat?" Peter asks as we stand on the stairs outside of school.

"She should be here any minute" I say as a black sports car pulls up in front of the stairs and Nat rolls down the window and pokes her head out and smiles at us.

"(Y/n), Peter!" She waves. Students around us stare as we walk down towards the car.

"Is that black widow?" I hear someone say. "Omg it is"

I quickly hurry up and open the car door and Peter and I slide into the back seat.

"Did you have a good day?" She asks pulling of and into the road. She drives very fast like we are in a car chase or something.

"It was a long day" I rest my head on peters shoulder.

"It's a 2 hour drive to get to the Christmas tree place so get comfy"

"Can we get McDonald's?"

"Sure" Nat says pulling up infront of McDonald's.

She orders 20 chicken nuggets and fries and drinks before we head back on the road. Peter and I have the box of chicken nuggets i between us.

"Nugget please" Nat puts her hand in the back and I put a chicken nugget in her hand, we did this about 6 times throughout the journey.

The car journey consisted of screaming one direction songs at the top of our lungs, some how we had picked Bucky up as we where driving and he was in control of the music.

"We are here" Nat says and I look out of the window to see all the Christmas trees lined up ready to be bought and decorated.

"That car ride went fast" I smile as I get out the car.

"Because you where eating and flirting with your boyfriend the entire journey" Bucky sighs like a grumpy old man.

"Wasn't flirting with him the entire time"

"Did she just-"

"Yep found them together in bed yesterday" Nat grins.

"It was not like that" I quickly say when I see Bucky grinning at us.

"Oh really?"

"Come on peter let's go find a tree" I link our hands and pull us away into the trees.

"What sort of tree are we looking for?" Peter asks.

"A big tree" I say, right now we where making our way through the smaller trees, the bigger trees where at the back.

"Remember it has to fit in the car!" Nat shouts from behind us. "These trees might be better" she gestures to the trees which where about 8ft.

"This is a good tree" Peter points out a tree but it was to fat at the bottom and it had branches missing and sticking out, it was just a mess.

"No not that one" I say. "To wonky"

"Kinda like you" I hear Bucky mumble from behind and i turn around and glare at him and see Nat burst out laughing.

After walking up and down in between the trees for about half an hour, nat and Bucky started to complain on how long I was taking. The sun had set almost fully but there was still enough light to see anything.

"Hurry up (y/n), it's cold" Nat says.

"This is a perfect tree" I stop in-front of a tree which was all symmetrical and didn't have branches sticking out.

"Finally" she lets out a relived sigh. "Barnes get the tree and let's go pay"

Bucky grabs the tree and we head over to where the car is to find the tree selling man waiting under a little umbrella since it was lightly snowing.

Bucky puts the tree ok the roof of the car and we soon drive off. At the speed Nat was driving, I am surprised the tree hadn't fallen off.

"Peter do you want dropping of at your apartment?" Nat asks.

"Yes please"

The rest of the car journey was spent mostly asleep. Bucky was snoozing loudly in the front seat next to Nat, pretty sure she tried to suffocate him about 10 times.

"We are here" Nat says and I notice peter has fallen asleep on my shoulder so I gently shake him.

"Peter we are here" I whisper to him gently pushing his soft brown hair from his face.

"Oh" he opens his eyes and looks out the window to see his apartment building.

"I will walk you up" i open the car door and follow Peter out. "Don't drive off" I say before closing the door.

"I haven't told may yet" peter says as we stand infront of the door.

"Wanna tell her now?"

"Yeah if you want to" he smiles as he holds my hand and gives me a smile before we both lean in and press our lips together.

"Peter-" May says opening the door and soon closing it.

"Well we didn't have to tell her" peter laughs.

"Are you done?" May asks through the door.

"Yeah" peter replies.

May slowly opens the door poking her head out before she sees we definitely aren't kissing anymore.

"Hi (y/n)" she smiles at me.

"Hey" I smile back.

"So you both are"

"Yep" peter and I both say.

"It's about time!" She pulls us both into a tight hug. "I'm so happy" she squeezes us while kissing our head.

"May" peter tries pushing her off and I just giggle. He's adorable and he doesn't even know it.

"(Y/n) want to come in for hot chocolate?" May asks.

"I have to go back to the car, Nat is waiting downstairs"

"Oh well you can come anytime"

"Thank you, I should get going"

"Text me when you get home" Peter pulls me into a hug.

"Will do, see you tomorrow" I smile and they wave before I go downstairs.

I get in the back seat of the car and we drive of back home.

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