76. normal is boring

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"Peter?" I wake up noticing he's not in bed. Oh great. I get up and grab his hoodie he left on the chair and slide it over my head before walking down the corridor.

"Morning kid" dad said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Morning dad, have you seen peter?"

"Not since last night" dad said. "Do you want any breakfast, I'll make pancakes specially for you"

"Thanks dad but I'm not hungry"

"You should really eat something (y/n)"

"Maybe later" i say and walk out the door, it was a frosty morning, the lake had begun to freeze around the edges as the sun began to rise above the trees.

The dogs followed me outside and made there way into the garden before looking up at the roof.

"Peter?" I ask and the dogs give me a look as if to say yep.

I climb on the chairs and onto the roof to find Peter sat in a little hall hugging his knees.

"Hi" I give him a sympathetic smile, my heart broke when I saw his eyes, they where red and blotchy like he'd been up here crying. I carefully walked over to him and sat down next to him as he dropped his head onto my shoulder.

"I've lost everyone" he sobs and I wrap my arm around him pulling him in closer.

"No you haven't, Peter we can get Ned and mj to remember and you have me and you will always have me because I'm with you for life"

"I can't lose you either, if I lose you i have nothing but you being with me is putting you in danger like how I put May and happy in danger and now they are gone, (y/n) I can't lose you but you'd be safer without me around, you will be in less danger and I can't go on knowing you will be in danger every time im around you so if it means your safety I think we should maybe put a break on us-"

"Peter Benjamin Parker don't you dare tell me all that bullshit crap about how im safer without you and how we should just break up because we will not be breaking up, when I first came into This life I knew my entire life I would be in danger, everyday something may happen and I've learnt to just get on with it because that's the life I was born and raised into so don't you dare break up with me Peter don't you do it and you know what together we can take on whatever life may throw in our way and we will get through it together do you understand" I cup his face in my hand forcing him to look into my eyes.

"Yeah" he nods and I kiss his forehead.


"If you die and it's my fault I will never forgive myself" he says.

"I won't die, not any time soon and neither will you, we will grow old together and probably just sit in our old people chairs watching Star Wars together" I say and he finally smiles.

"I like the sound of that"

"Me to" I quickly kiss his lips before being blinded by the bright sunlight. "I need sunglasses" I cover my eyes making peter laugh.

"It's a lovely sunrise"

"Yes it is but it's freezing out here" I say and he hugs me tightly.

"Even with my hoodie on?"

"Yes it's only a thin hoodie now can we go back inside and maybe if you wanna go back to bed and if you're in the mood we can..." I move my hands in a weird motion making peter laugh. "What it's been like a week and I just want you to be inside me"

"You're dad is downstairs" peter says.


"He might hear us, you aren't exactly quite"

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