39. Dust

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"I got you you're safe" Peter whispers in my ear while his body acts as a shield around me.

The ship crashes onto the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Dad shouts.

"Yeah I'm fine" I shout back.

"I'm fine" Peter says helping me up out of the rubble.

"Where are we?" I ask looking around but everything just looked foggy.

"Space" peter says walking up behind me.

"Omg I've always wanted to go to space" I say excitedly.

"This isn't a good thing" dad said and blows a hole out of the side of the ship.

"Someone's coming" peter says and I look around and hear footsteps.

"(Y/n) back on the ship" my dad orders me.

"What why? I can help"

"(Y/n) ship now" he strictly says.

"Fine" I say as someone lands down next to me. A thing with large eyes and antennas. She puts her hands on my head and suddenly my mind goes blank.

"I've heard of you" she says in amazement.

"Um what?"

"You're (y/n) saver of the universe, I was told about the prophecy" She seems harmless. "I'm mantis" she smiles sweetly.

"Yo mantis what you doing we aren't supposed to be making friends" a dude with a blaster gun says, he looks like an idiot.

"This is (y/n)" she says to him.

"Okay?" He looks unbothered. "Now tell me where gemora is?"he grabs onto Peter and pushes the gun against his head.

"Who's gemora?" Dad says.

"Why is gamora" a grey and red guy says. That literally makes no sense.

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to god I will french fry this little freak" he points the gun at peter but I make it vanish so he can't hurt him. The guy let's go of peter for a second and Peter uses it to swing away and land next to me. "How'd you do that?" The guy asks confused.

"you hurt him and you die" I threaten.

"She means that" peter says nodding.

"Yeah I just crushed a guys brain I won't hesitate to do it again"

"Okay I'm just gonna have to say this, who are you guys?" My dad asks them.

"Star lord" the man with brown hair says and I hear peter snort laugh next to me making me laugh.

"Your parents must of hated you" my dad says making peter and I laugh more.

"My parents are dead" Star lord says.

"Mine to" peter says.

"Same here" dad says.

"Yep same over here" strange says from the corner.

"Should we all just sit and talk about our feelings now" mantis says.

"No we did that yesterday" Star lord says. "And my real name is Peter quill, but people call me quill, that's mantis and that's drax"

"So what are you guys actually doing here other than looking for gamara?" I ask.

"Well this big purple ball sack been going round trying to get infinity stones to wipe out half the universe and he took my girl"

"Like as in infinity stone in visions head?" I turn to my dad.


"Is that what's around your neck?" I ask turning to doctor strange.

"Yeah the time stone" he says before walking of somewhere.

"So where do you guys even come from?" Peter asks them.

"Space, where the guardians of the Galaxy" quill says proudly.

"Oh cool where with the avengers" Pete says in a dorky tone.

"Like Thor" mantis says.

"You know Thor?" I ask.

"Yeah, tall guy not that good looking" quill says and I see Peter do a strange face I can't help but laugh at.

"Thanos is coming" doctor strange says while floating in the air.

"Kids get up there and wait for my signal" dad points to a spot behind some rubble from the ship. Quill, drax and mantis follow us and sit with us.

"I don't think he meant you" I say to them and they move away.

Everything goes silent as we all stay in position ready.

"You okay peter?" I turn to him and place my hand and his.

"Yeah, when we get home do you wanna go on another date?" He says and the worry that we both might not make it back to earth.

"Yes of course, I'd love to" I give him a small smile.

"I love you (y/n)"

"I love you Peter, we will make it home, I know we will" I kiss his forehead before he puts his mask back on.

The purple alien man lands in the middle and talks to my dad and doctor strange for a second before dad gives the signal for Peter to web his arm up while my dad try's to remove the gauntlet from his hand.

Quill and drax blast there blasters at him while strange tries to rope him up with golden ropes.

I teleport over and point my hands over him forcing him to relive his worse memory. He falls to the ground and mantis jumps on his shoulders and reaches into his mind.

"I can't hold him" she struggles to stay up.

"Where is gamaora?" Quill asks walking up to his face. "Tell me!" He screams.

"He feels great lost" mantis says.

Oh god.

"You killed her!?" Quill screams and begins to punch thanos in the face.

I try helping peter and my dad bu taking the gauntlet of his arm but it was no luck. It was like it was stuck on by glue or magic.

Strange ends up giving the stone to thanos and he vanishes.

"There's still hope" strange says.

"I thought you where supposed to guard that with your life" i glare over at him.

"There's still a chance" he says.

We all sit around defeated.

"(Y/n)?" Peter voice sounds scared and I turn around to see him limping over to me.

"Peter?" I run over to him and he falls into my arms on the ground. "It's okay you are going to be okay" I say tears begging to form in my eyes.

"I don't wanna go" his eyes don't leave mine.

"You aren't going anywhere, you're not leaving me" I say and cup his face.

"(Y/n) I don't feel so good" I feel my heart shatter as tears stream down.

"Peter don't leave me please" I sob into his hair.

"I love you" he tells me."I love you so much" he begins to turn to dust in my arms.

"I love you Peter, more than anything, I will always love you" I say and his brown eyes shed one last tear before he is gone from my arms.

My body begins to feel fuzzy. I have no effort to move. I don't want to be in a world without peter.

"Dad?" I say and he rushes over to me.

"(Y/n)" he rushes to my side and I pull him into one last hug.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't save everyone"

"It's going to be okay kiddo I will find away to get you back" he says and I look into his eyes one last time before everything goes blank.

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