3. Late chats and waffle wars

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~few days later~


Yo spider boy  you awake ?

Yeah why you up ?

Can't sleep
I can hear Steve snoring from down the corridor

Damnn sorry to hear that
My friend Ned is staying round mine and he snoring as well

Snoring people ay interrupting sleep
I might go find some food
I'm hungry

Im going on a late night swing Ned is snoring to loud
Want me to drop by your balcony with a McDonald's?

Ooo yes pleaseee

Okay I'm sneaking out now
What you want me to get you ?

Chicken nuggies and fries and a coke pleasee

Ok I'm on my way 😊

Thank you Peter 🥰

~a few moments later~

I got it!!!
On my way to yours

I'm unlocking the door
And the outdoor light is on

I see youuu

I see youuuu

~ ~ ~

Spider-Man lands on my balcony holding a McDonald's bag. He pulls of his mask and his hair is all messy and adorable.

"Here's your McDonald's malady" he says in a fancy voice while handing me the bag.

"Thank you kind sir" I smile "want to come in?"

"Yes" he smiles while jumping onto my bed making himself comfy.

"Fry?" I shove the box in his face and he takes a few and eats them.

"Your dad won't be happy if he knows there's a boy in your room at night" peter laughs.

"Meh he's probably fast asleep or in his lab working on something"

"That's good then, don't want him coming up here and throwing me out the window"

"If he did that I'd never forgive him for throwing my only friend out the window"

"Friend" he quietly says. I'm not even sure he said that because he was so quite.

Peter and I eat the McDonald's together and talk about random things. We actually have a lot in common. We have a very similar sense of humour which is one of the reasons we instantly clicked and we also like the same movies and food.

"So you really like the nuggets" he laughs.

"Yes, they are my favourite along with spaghetti"

"Can I ask a question about your power?" He asks staring directly into my eyes.

"Yeah of course, ask away" I smile.

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