"PETER! PETER!" I screamed as I tried to open the door which had been locked probably by Friday. I felt Wanda's shaking hands try to pry me off the door. I continued to keep my eyes on Peter as I tried to get Wanda off of me. He turned his head to the side and I will never forget the look on his face. His eyes were glassy, his face pale white. He looked dead.

Wanda pulled me into a hug as I just cried at the scene in front of me. I fell to the floor, causing Wanda to also fall.

"I NEED TO GET IN THERE! I NEED—" I was sobbing so hard I couldn't catch my breath.

"It's okay. He's gonna be okay." Wanda's voice  broke. I don't think she even believed her lie.

  Steve and Sam came out and had to drag us out of the room. We passed a couple of Dr. Cho's team that came running down the hallway.

All four of us, Rhodey and Tony were sitting in the waiting room. Tony had been staring at the floor for about 25 minutes with Rhodey right by his side and everyone was silent.

I felt numb. I had no more tears left to cry. We had literally been sitting in the damn waiting room for the past half hour with no news. Steve and Sam were covered in blood. Spider-Man's blood. Peter's blood. I couldn't look at them.

The waiting room door bursted open and there was May, in her scrubs, tears still running down her cheeks.

"Where is he? W-what— where is he?" Her eyes went straight to Sam and Steve's bloodied suits. She let out a gasp and stumbled back. Rhodey got up and put a steady hand on her shoulder.

"He's in surgery. We got to him early." Rhodey said. I noticed that he didn't say he would be okay.

"Oh God." She put a hand to her face and looked at Tony and her face contorted into anger. "Why weren't you there?" Tony looked up once he realized she was asking him.

He looked horrible.

"Peter... he- he hacked into my suits and, and I couldn't..." Tony took in a raspy breath and looked back at the floor. She noticed how beaten up he looked, so she let it go.

May shrunk into a seat right across from me. I kept my eyes focused on the ground until I heard the door open again. It was Dr. Cho. She must have changed before she came because she wasn't bloody anymore.

I jumped to my feet, as did May. Tony's reaction happened mere seconds after she came in. God, he messed up by this.

Dr. Cho eyes met with May's, "Are you May Parker?"

"Y-yes I am. Is Peter okay?" Her voice shook.

Dr. Cho nodded, "He's alive, but very fragile. Multiple thoracic vertebrae have been cracked. He needs a blood transfusion." Tony's head snapped up at that.

"What?! His vertebrae?" Tony exclaimed and Dr. Cho gave him a warning look. May seemed to shake the thought of her nephew being paralyzed.

"I'll do it." May answered back quickly. Dr. Cho gave her a sympathetic look and then slowly shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Parker. But his DNA has been drastically changed ever since he was bitten. Also, you aren't a blood relative and we don't know your type."

"I'm type A. Please, let me." May pleaded.

"I can't. We don't know what could happen if we gave him a normal person's blood. We do know, however, that if he ever gave blood to a normal person, that person would most likely die due to the level of radiation in his blood." She stopped for a second to let that news settle, "Steve?"

Steve looked up and his eyebrows scrunched up, confused.

"I think the best option would be you. We can't wait for his body to pump the blood back. Whatever Hammer dosed him with, it's messing with his fast metabolic and reproductive state. In fact, it's slower than even the average human. But Steve, you are the closest recipient we think that could work. You two share multiple similarities in your genetic structure. It should work, Dr. Banner's would not work since his level of radiation is way too high. You are our only hope, Steve."

Potato Guns and Web SlingersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora