Chapter 13: "Don't Disappear"

Start from the beginning

Thoroughly disgusted and annoyed, Alejandro finally stood up and walked out of the room.

"Excuse me, gentlemen. I need to be...anywhere but here."

Miranda silently groaned, nearly tempted enough to follow him. But, with Heather and Gwen around, it'd be way too suspicious. She reluctantly fought her urges and stayed put.

Meanwhile, Alejandro angrily rubbed his face in the confessional.

"A nose shake? Ugh, how many more episodes are there?"

He stayed for a few seconds to cool off but was soon on the move towards First Class. He stopped as he heard Chris speaking.

"He's half animal. He'll take them out like a lion preying on a pack of chubby, asthmatic gazelles!"

Alejandro's curiosity was certainly piqued, leading him to sneak a look through the crack in the door. He found Chris and Chef standing with a shadowy figure holding a sword.

"But what if he takes them out, takes them out?" Chef asked.

"Legal says we're clear. And imagine the ratings! That dip will score major hits online!"

Alejandro tried to back away, but the gravity made the door creak. He gasped as the host turned around.

"Did you hear something?" Chris asked as the figure turned also around.

As Alejandro tried to hide, he was quickly caught by the figure. The Spaniard screamed as he was dragged into First Class with a sword held to his neck.

"Well, well. If it isn't the sneaky Spaniard himself." Chris chuckled suspiciously.

Alejandro struggled against the mysterious figure's grip, but the sword merely came in closer contact with his skin. Once he realized this, he stopped moving and glared harshly at the host.

"What are you trying to do?"

"I said no one was allowed in First Class, but I guess that didn't stop you, huh? Sucks to be you. As your punishment, you will be unable to compete in tonight's challenge, since you've already been caught."

Chef held the remote to the big monitor in First Class, turning it on with the press of a button.

"...What do you mean?"

"You have to find out once the others start today's challenge. Until then, just sit back and enjoy the show."

The figure released him as the trio began to walk out. Before Chris could leave, Alejandro spoke a string of words that even he didn't expect himself to say.

"...If you lay as much as a finger on Miranda, I will ruin you."

The surprising sentiment was enough to make Chris stop in his tracks and chuckle deviously.

"Ooh, tension-y. We'll try to keep that in mind."

With that, the trio exited, locking Alejandro away as they ventured back down to the cockpit. Once they were settled, Chris came over the PA system.

"Attention helpless competitors! We've been denied permission to land, so you're gonna have to jump!"

Everyone in Economy Class had nothing nice to say about this situation.

"And Chef may have miscounted parachutes..."

"I'm a cook, not a mathematician!"

"So, you might wanna light a pepper under your butts and grab one before they're gone."

Everyone ran to the elimination room to grab parachutes. Miranda was one of the first ones to grab one and jump, with no hesitation. She floated down quite gracefully, despite not being experienced with skydiving. Perhaps she was just used to falling out of the sky by now. Though this was the first challenge that had begun at night.

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