Chapter 9: "A Simple Touch"

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Ah, the city of love. The perfect excuse for Alejandro to toy with the blue-eyed doll on his team. He had begun realizing how much enjoyment he got out of her. Her dismissive nature, yet undeniable interest just made her hard to get. He relished in the challenge she gave him.

Lindsay squealed excitedly. "Paris~! There's only one guy I wanna share this with! The guy I've been dreaming about since we've been apart. Where's my Tyler?"

He went over to her with a beaming grin. "Hey, Linds."

"Are you sure that's you? 'Cause you look slightly different in my head."

"Everything looks slightly different in her head," Alejandro whispered, which made Miranda snicker.

"Do you always wear a tracksuit? Oh, it doesn't matter. 'Cause us being in Paris together means only one thing!"

Tyler smiled hazily. "I know. I lo-"

"Shopping! We can pick out new clothes for you!"
She squealed until Chris pinched her lips shut.

"There's no time for shopping. The first challenge is about to start. Everyone, inside the Loave!"

"Uh...I believe you mean Louvre." Courtney corrected, a matter of factly.

"Whatever. Go already!"

Everyone walked into the fancy and pristine museum. It felt as though they were walking through a maze of glass and one touch would destroy everything around them.

Chef wheeled in a large crate while Chris spoke.

"Challenge time, kids! Each team gets their very own famous sculpture. Team Victory, yours is Rodin's The Thinker. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, you guys get the Venus de Milo."

"Ah, Venus. Such beauty." Alejandro grinned respectfully.

"Calm down, lover boy. Amazons, you ladies get the 'Statue of David'. Here's how it works, it's up to you guys to find your statue hidden somewhere in the Loav...ra."

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard. The statues are big. Plus, I'm amazing at reading brochure maps."

Miranda couldn't help but roll her eyes with annoyance at Courtney's tone of voice.

"About that, Chef has broken the statues into pieces and hidden them. First team to find their pieces, race to the pyramid court, and reassemble them wins."

"But The Thinker isn't located in the Louvre. And the Statue of David isn't even in France!" Alejandro shrugged.

"Well, we aren't using the actual statues. Those are priceless. Chef made some fake ones, right?"

Chef suddenly ran off, raising concern among the group.

"I almost forgot the twist twist. Here's your motivation."

Chris opened the crate and released a bear, a Sasquatch, and a baby seal.

"Aw, look DJ! It's that baby seal you accidentally ran over in the Yukon!"

All the animals began to chase the teams frantically through the museum. Team Chris was stuck with the Sasquatch right on their tails.

"I don't wanna be yeti poop!" Owen yelled.

"I got your ginormous back, big boy! Watch this! Totally works on my dog!"

Noah quickly turned around, waving his hand like he had a ball. The Sasquatch got down, panting excitedly much as a dog would.

"Who wants the ball? Who wants it? You want it, don't you? Go get it!"

Once he made the throwing motion, the giant Sasquatch ran off to find a ball that didn't exist.

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