He fired Asad with a hard slap making him fall to the ground.

Kamal placed his hand on his mouth as he watched in horror, just when he thought his dad will be of help.

"That's for making my wife angry"... He says and averts he attention back to his wife.

"You!!!"... He glares at her.

"I said you can torture him but I didn't ask you to kill him Karima , you always like taking things over board".... Mr Zubairu heaved a sigh out of frustration.

"What are we going to do with him now"... she pointed at Asad who had a bleeding arm and had already passed out.

"Leave him there , if he wants to die , let him die in peace . We will tell your mother that he committed suicide" ... Her husband stated and left the living room.

Aunt Karima stared at Asad for a split second before she followed Mr Zubairu.

When Yunusa was sure his parents were gone , he called his brothers to come and see Asad who was almost lifeless on the floor.

Kamal played along while Lateef came out wondering what had happened. The trio spotted Asad on the floor with blood dripping from his arm.

Kamal immediately gasped , a closer view was most definitely not appealing at all while Lateef let out a soft chuckle.

Yunusa and Lateef were like their mother, wicked, cruel , heartless and inconsiderate while Kamal was different, he wasn't friendly but had a soft heart for people who were in pain. He puts on a façade but only for the sake of his mother and brothers but he was the exact opposite of what his family members portrays him to be and as for his dad, his dad was just a nonchalant man who does whatever he wills , whenever he feels like it.

"Let's beat him while he is still unconscious"... Yunusa says and Lateef nods in agreement.

"That would be a good idea but if Dad catches us, you know we will get into trouble"... Kamal tried to reason with them

Lateef hisses in response ... "You are such a kill Joy"

"As if you know"... Yunusa says as he playful punches Kamal's arm.

"Don't worry guys, when he is conscious we will tear him into pieces".... Kamal stated but deep down he didn't mean it.

'Dear God , please send someone to come and save Asad'... Kamal secretly prayed as he exited the living room with his brothers.


Later that night..........

Inspector Fahad was sitting on his chair , rubbing his temples. He has tried all he can to find a clue about this murder case but nothing.

Literally just nothing is working.

He heaved a sigh followed by an annoying hiss... "Nigeria does not have all the required tools and gadgets to detect and trace criminals other than Guns and Teasers and I do not have a penny to even buy the gadget".

"Nevertheless I am not going to rest, I will get to the bottom of this . I will get some money and buy some machines"... Inspector Fahad says as he stands up.

"It's only in Nigeria people do not value lives, in foreign countries, even a goat's life matters"... He says as he walks out of the station and into his car. He turns on the ignition and drives out.

He drives through the city of Kaduna as he listens to the radio just then his car starts failing him and stops.

"What's wrong with this car" ...He tries turning it on but it's not use. He tries again and hopefully it turns on but from the looks of this it won't last long so he parks the car close to a kiosk and alight from the car to check what was wrong.

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