"Good, are you hungry?" I asked as he pulled away, dropping his cheek again to the ground. He only ever so slightly shook his head, receiving a worried look from me as I put the bottle away.

"Ez" he mumbled my name for the second time, my head being lowered just beside his. I watched his face, deep in my thoughts. He was lying his uninjured shoulder to the ground, my hands slowly wrapping back to his waist.

Leonel's dark orbs opened a mere inch, his forehead being pressed against mine. He just stared at me for a moment, my pale eyes studying his sweaty features in exchange, "You are very pretty."

He muttered under his breath, his other hand rising up to circle around my head. I huffed to his comment, settling my temple against his bicep that was laying beneath me, "You should go back to sleep."

His eyes stayed open, his lips coming to a foul attempt of a kiss; landing straight to my chin. I didn't know how long he planned to make out with it, but I put it short very quickly, "Okay, bud– sleep."

I chuckled a bit amused -even given the situation-, something in his very off and silly state making me smile. Leonel only fixed his placement, giving me a very moist kiss to the lips, "So sexy too."

I couldn't help but laugh at his raspy voice, tapping his chest to get him further away, "No, I'm serious. Go to sleep."

He smiled faintly against my lips, claiming them for another kiss. I couldn't stop chuckling, gently answering to his sweet gesture. His fingers stroked the back of my neck as he deepened the kiss, gracing my lips with his tongue. I rubbed his side with gentleness, though not giving him access to my mouth.

I definitely wouldn't be taking this any further, not when he wasn't even fully aware of his doings and wants. A low hum could be heard from him, his other leg rising up to my waist to pull me closer.

He earned a gentle slap against his chest, the other simply tightening his hold of my head.

"Leonel. . ." I mumbled through his sloppy kisses, the touch succeeding to get my thoughts to wander.

The man pecked my lips in response, separating us only by an inch. I opened my eyes to be met with his black ones, them watching me with hunger and desire, "I want to fuck you."

My stomach flipped around so hard that I nearly had a fucking heart attack, my eyes enlargening from his sentence. I most certainly had not been prepared for that, not with that husky and somber tone.

Sometimes, I still hated him.

"Now" he mumbled before kissing me again, my shocked frame pretty much only frozen to its place. It took way too long for me to decipher exactly what he had said, and even more so, too long a time to say no to him.

"Leonel, now's not the time" I pulled my lips away, opening my little spooked eyes to his confused face. A part of me was scared to say it; knowing that there were many ways for him to react to it, and not so many of them being good.

He blinked his eyes at me, after that a frown spread to his lips, "Don't you want. . .?"

I shook my head to him, exhaling a bit loudly from the sudden stress I felt, "Not now."

His shoulders relaxed slightly, his temple dropping against the ground. Some of his curls were drooping over his eyes, ones that were now tiredly shutting, "I want you to be mine."

He whispered with a husky tone, making my stomach flip once again. Though I didn't let myself be too excited about it; he had such a high fever after all. He could be just spouting out random sentences, not really even meaning it.

Owned by Alpha Diétrich |BxB| Where stories live. Discover now