Chapter 3: "Got Us Fooled"

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Harold. Now, remember, anyone who doesn't sing-"

Harold kept interrupting, which led Chris to make Chef cut up the door and suck everyone out and fall.

Chris decided to ring the bell while the kids were free falling to their presumable deaths.

We're singing as we're falling!

Well, some are cannonballing.


Our lives begin to flash before our eyes!

We might just go kablooey!

Get smushed and become chewy.

'Cept there's tons we wanna do

Before We Die!

LeShawna: Millionairess!

Cody: Billiards Champion!

DJ: Make it home to see my mama!

Sierra: Marry Cody!

Bridgette: Catch a barrel!

Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama!

Courtney: Corporate lawyer!

Gwen: Prom destroyer!

Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!

Alejandro: Lion tamer!

Miranda: Mezzo singer!

Owen: New food namer!

Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bars!

Luckily for them, there was a gigantic bowl of rice to cushion their fall, so no one was injured.

"Japan! Yes! I know everything about this place!"

"What you know just sent us free-falling out of a plane!" LeShawna scolded.

"But I went to Sensei Steve's futile Japanese summer camp!" Harold defended.

Alejandro suddenly spoke up. "Oh yeah? I speak Japanese too! LeShawna, hana no youni kirei."

"What's that?"

"I said, you are as beautiful as a flower."

LeShawna giggled, obviously flattered.

Everyone climbed out of the rice bowl to meet up with Chris to hear about the challenge.

"Okay! First challenge is inside a Japanese game studio. Bow down, before Super Human Mega Pinball  Smash!"

"I love Japanese game shows!" Tyler cheered, high-fiving Harold.

"Sweet! My favorite is 'Human Ichi My Car Gogo', where you have to throw a banana into a car window using a..."

"Giant shrimp fork! Awesome!"

They were halted by the sound of a gong ringing.

"Oh, look! My own personal geek gong! I'm gonna need one volunteer from each team to climb into these giant hamster balls. Then, your teammates are gonna beat 'cha around on the game board scoring points by bouncing around on bumpers. Most points wins. And I have a local surprise for each of you to share your ball-shaped paradise with. So, teams, select your ball guy or gal."

Team Victory chose DJ, who was given an angry panda bear that began attacking him.

Despite this dangerous-sounding challenge, Miranda's eyes silently lit up like stars. The rest of her team wasn't as thrilled, however.

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