Chapter 2: "Hot Enough to Burn"

Start from the beginning

Chef knocked over a huge vase that held what seemed like tens of hundreds of scarab beetles.
Panic and fear radiated through the desert until a bell chimed.

"Ooh! Time for a song! Think of it as a mini-challenge. Music can soothe the savage mate-seeking scarabs. So, make up a good song and maybe they won't kill you. Or don't and disqualified, like Duncan."

Izzy cheered cluelessly while everyone else groaned.

No need to get crazy

It's Lovin' Time, at last!

You don't wanna eat us up.

We're mostly full of gas. No! No!

It's mating time, for scarabs

So whatcha waiting on?

Just ignore us humans

And make out till the break of dawn.

The scarabs seemed to enjoy the music until Zeke broke the rhythm, causing the scarabs to snap out of their daze and chase everyone until they were far enough away.

Teams Amazon and Chris were pretty close to one another and Victory was out of sight.

Miranda was scanning the area, trying to wipe the sweat from her head. Alejandro saw this out of the corner of his eye, smirking.

"Do you see anything, chica?"

She shook her head, mumbling as she did so.

"You seem exhausted from this brutal heat. If you need to rest, my shoulder is open."

She shook her head once more.

"I appreciate the offer, but no thank you."

He was about to respond, but the Amazons decided to gloat.

"We're gonna go win the race now! See ya!"

Heather waved, sticking out her tongue.

"Eat sand, losers!" Courtney snickered.

"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women! I am both humbled and intrigued!" Alejandro called back.

"Nice try, but I'm with Duncan."

"And what a pity it is that you give yourself to a quitter. Who doesn't deserve you," he smirked.

"That's not...Duncan is're just...can someone hurry this camel up!?" Courtney stammered.

Miranda giggled outright, much to Alejandro's surprise.

"I'm pleased you found that as amusing as I did."

She nodded, taking a breath. She looked over to her right and saw a huge body of water. She shook Alejandro's shoulder and pointed to it.

Alejandro gasped and called down to the rest of the team.

"Hold on, everyone! I'm changing our route!"

He shifted his hips in the direction of the Nile steer the goat. Alejandro took a confessional.

"Perhaps it would have been kind to show the girls' team which way to go. But, you've seen my team. We need all the help we can get. Although, that Miranda of ours is quite useful."

Team Chris was the first team to make it to the Nile.

"There's the finish line!" Tyler pointed happily.

"Yeah, on the other side!" Noah groaned.

Everyone got off the goat and Miranda took a breath of what seemed like one of relief.

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